
Robojax Step by Step Arduino Course

This Arduino course start from Absolute beginners and take you to advanced level.
Each lesson may have more than one Arduino code which will be displayed on the lesson page.
Please select the lesson from the list below.

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  1. Project: RJT520 Relay Timer 555 6V to 18V 20A
  2. H-Bridge Project with TIP120 TIP125 Transistor: Build H-bridge on breadboard and then design PCB and produce full PCB assembly | Robojax
  3. Lesson 110: Build up to 8 digits Seven Segment display using 74HC595 Shift Register | Robojax
  4. Lesson 109: Generate DC Voltage using MCP4725 DAC with LCD and PWM to Voltage Converter with Arduino (5 projects)
  5. Lesson 108: Control DC motor using FR120N AOD4184 D4184 LR7843 HW-532 MOSFET module (3 projects)
  6. Lesson 107: Control Stepper motor 28BYJ-48 with ULN2003 for Arduino, 7 Projects
  7. Lesson 106: Using Micro SD Card and Data logging with Arduino
  8. Lesson 105: Ultimate Arduino Clocks projects using DS1307
  9. Lesson 104: Arduono Energy Meter to measure DC Voltage, Current, Power and Energy
  10. Lesson 103: Using HT1621 6 Digits Seven Segment LCD Display
  11. Lesson 102: Using ZK-5DA to control 2 DC Motor each 4A
  12. Lesson 101: Control AC Bulb, TV, DC Motor and Servo Motor using Arduino
  13. Lesson 100: Control Servo Motor with your hand gesture
  14. Lesson 99: Real-Time Cloick DS3231 to build LCD and LED Clock
  15. Lesson 98: Arduino 10 LED Push button Projects, Potentiometer LED Voltmeter and Traffic Light
  16. Lesson 97: Lesson 97: Controlling Servo Motor using Rotary Encoder and Display Angel On LCD
  17. Lesson 96: Barometric Pressure, Temperature, Approximate Altitude Sensor BMP390 with LCD
  18. Lesson 91: Controlling Servo motor using potentiometer and display angle on LCD
  19. Lesson 95: Using L293D 4 DC Motors Shield | Arduino Step By Step Course
  20. Lesson 87: Contrlling Servo Motor using a push button Swtich
  21. Lesson 84: How to change I2C address of VL53L0X 200cm Laser Distance sensors with Arduino
  22. Lesson 83: Using two or more VL53L0X 200cm Laser Distance sensors with Arduino
  23. Lesson 82: Using VL53L1X 400cm Laser Distance sensors with LCD
  24. Lesson 81: Using VL53L1X 400cm Laser Distance sensors
  25. Lesson 80: Using Blue VL53L0X 200cm Laser Distance sensors with Arduino
  26. Lesson 79: Using VL53L0X Laser Distance sensors with 4 digit LED dipaly TM1637
  27. Lesson 78: Using VL53L0X Laser Distance Sensor with LCD1602 or LCD2004 Display with Arduino
  28. Lesson 77: Using VL53L0X 200cm Laser Distance sensors with Arduino
  29. Lesson 76: Using VL6180 62cm Laser Distance sensors with Arduino
  30. Lesson 75: Obstacle detection using laser transmitter and receiver with Arduino
  31. Lesson 74: Using two Sharp Infrared sensors with Arduino
  32. Lesson 73: Distance measurement using Sharp Infrared Sensor with Arduino
  33. Lesson 72: Obstacle detection using laser transmitter and receiver with Arduino
  34. Lesson 70: Using Ultrasonic Distance Sensor with Arduino
  35. Lesson 69: Infrared Proximity Sensor E18-D80NK | Arduino Step By Step Course
  36. Lesson 68: control 16 channel relay with Arduino UNO or MEGA
  37. Lesson 67: Controlling 8 channel realy with keypad using Arduino
  38. Lesson 66: Controlling 4 channel relay with push button switches
  39. Lesson 65: Controlling 2 channel Solid State relay with push buttons with Arduino
  40. Lesson 64: Using Solid State Relay with Arduino
  41. Lesson 63: Introduction to using relay with Arduino
  42. Lesson 62: Time control without delay, LED blink with millis()
  43. Lesson 61: using Switch and case: Arduno programming | Arduino Step By Step Course
  44. Lesson 60: "while" and "do while" loops | Arduino Step By Step Course
  45. Lesson 58 : What is multidimensional Array? Example of RGB LED
  46. Lesson 57: Using Array and Loop with Arduino
  47. Lesson 56 : What is a function? | Arduino Step By Step Course
  48. Lesson 55: Controlling DC motor using push buttons
  49. Lesson 54: Controlling DC motor using Potentiometer and push buttons
  50. Lesson 53: Using L298N Motor Driver for DC Motor Control | Arduino Step By Step Course
  51. Lesson 52: Control a DC motor with Relay using Arduino (two projects)
  52. Lesson 51: Control 2 DC motors using Arduino and L293D
  53. Lesson 50: Control Direction of rotation of motor using Arduino and L293D
  54. Lesson 49: Using L293D with Arduino to control drive a DC Motor
  55. Lesson 48: Introduction to DC Motor
  56. Lesson 47: Using MAX6675 K-Type Thermocouple with Relay as Thermostat
  57. Lesson 46: Using MLX90614 with LCD
  58. Lesson 45: BME280 humidity, barometric pressure temperature Sensor with LCD
  59. Lesson 44: Using BMP180 Barometric Pressure Temperature Sensor | Arduino Step By Step Course
  60. Lesson 43: Using LM35 Temperature Sensor LCD with Arduino
  61. Lesson 42: Using LM35 Temperature Sensor with Arduino
  62. Lesson 41: Using two or more MAX6675 K-Type Thermocouple with two or more LCD
  63. Lesson 40: Using MAX6675 K-Type Thermocouple with LCD
  64. Lesson 39: Using MAX6675 K-Type Thermocouple Temperature Sensor | Arduino Step By Step Course
  65. Lesson 38: Using MLX90614 Infrared Temperature Sensor with Arduino
  66. Lesson 37: BMe280 humidity, barometric pressure and ambient temperature Sensor| Arduino Step by Step Course
  67. Lesson 36: Using HTU21D Temperature Sensor with LCD| Arduino Step by Step Course
  68. Lesson 35: Using HTU21D Temperature Sensor | Arduino Step by Step Course
  69. Lesson 34: Using MCP9808 High Accuracy I2C Temperature with TM1637 LED Display| Arduino Step by Step Course
  70. Lesson 33: Using MCP9808 High Accuracy I2C Temperature with LCD | Arduino Step by Step Course
  71. Lesson 32: MCP9808 High Accuracy I2C Temperature Custom Code | Arduino Step by Step Course
  72. Lesson 31: Using BMP280 Temperature Sensor with TM1637 LED Display | Arduino Step by Step Course
  73. Lesson 30: Using BMP280 Temperature Sensor with LCD1602 | Arduino Step by Step Course
  74. Lesson 29: Using BMP280 Temperature Sensor | Arduino Step by Step Course
  75. Lesson 28: DHT11 Temperature Sensor with TM1637 Display | Arduino Step by Step Course
  76. Lesson 27: Using DHT11 Temperature Sensor with LCD Screen | Arduino Step by Step Course
  77. Lesson 26: Introduction to DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor| Arduino Step by Step Course
  78. Lesson 00: What's Arduino?
  79. Lesson 01: Arduino Boards
  80. Lesson 02: Arduino IDE Software
  81. Lesson 04: Introduction to Base number Binary, Decimal, Hexadecimal and Octal
  82. Lesson 03: Project LED Blink Breadboard and Resistor
  83. Lesson 05: Introduction to Serial Monitor
  84. Lesson 06: Introduction to Arduino Data Types
  85. Lesson 07: Getting Additional 5V and GND from Arduino
  86. Lesson 08: Arduino Conditional Statements
  87. Lesson 09: Using Switch and Push Buttons with Arduino
  88. Lesson 09-b: Using Switch and Push Buttons with Arduino
  89. Lesson 10: Using Potentiometer reading voltage, Analog and Digital
  90. Lesson 11: Using Tilt Sensor Switch with Arduino
  91. Lesson 12: Using Reed Sensor Switch with Arduino
  92. Lesson 13: Detecting flame using Arduino
  93. Lesson 14: Vibration Sensor Module
  94. Lesson 15: Sound Sensor Module (analog and digital output)
  95. Lesson 16, Robojax Arduino Step by Step Course: Motion Sensor
  96. Lesson 17, Robojax Arduino Step by Step Course: NJK-5002C hall proximity sensor
  97. Lesson 18, Robojax Arduino Step by Step Course: Using Tilt Angle Sensor SCA60C1
  98. Lesson 19: Using LCD Screen with Arduino.
  99. Lesson 20: Using TM1637 4 digit display
  100. Lesson 21: Using Seven Segment Display | Arduino Step by Step Course
  101. Lesson 22: Using SSD1306 OLED Display | Arduino Step by Step Course
  102. Lesson 23: Using MAX7219 8 Digit Display | Arduino Step by Step Course
  103. Lesson 24: 74HC595 Two Digit Display | Arduino Step by Step Course
  104. Lesson 25: HT16K33 4 digit display | Arduino Step by Step Course