Lesson 22: Using SSD1306 OLED Display | Arduino Step by Step Course
Related or required files and link to this lesson
- Adafruit SSD1306 Library
- Adafruit-GFX Library (from GetHub)
- SSD1306 Library (from GetHub)
- SSD1306 Datasheet
Part 2: LCD, LED and OLED Screens
In this lecture we learn how to use SD1306 OLED Display to display text and shapes on the screen.
* Robojax Arduino Step By Step Course
* Lesson 22 SSD1306 OLED display
* Updated by Ahmad Shamshiri for Robojax YouTube and Robojax.com
Please watch video instruction here https://youtu.be/UZTAV2sRi9w
This code is available at http://robojax.com/course1/?vid=lecture11
with over 100 lectures Free On YouTube Watch it here http://robojax.com/L/?id=338
Get the code for the course: http://robojax.com/L/?id=339
This is an example for our Monochrome OLEDs based on SSD1306 drivers
This example is for a 128x32 size display using I2C
Written by Limor Fried/Ladyada for Adafruit Industries.
BSD license, check license.txt for more information
All text above, and the splash screen must be included in any redistribution
* Updated by Ahmad Shamshiri for Robojaxr Robojax.com video tutorial
* on March 18, 2018 at 10:21 at Ajax, Ontario, Canada
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>
#define OLED_RESET 4
Adafruit_SSD1306 display(OLED_RESET);
#define NUMFLAKES 10
#define XPOS 0
#define YPOS 1
#define DELTAY 2
double count=0;
* PIN connection:
* pin connection see: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/Wire
* for UNO: SDA to A4, SCL to A5
* for Mega2560: SDA to 20, SCL to 21
* for Leonardo: SDA to 2, SCL to 3
* for Due: SDA to 20, SCL to 21
* VCC to 5V
* GND to GND :-)
// this is the Width and Height of Display which is 128 xy 32
#define LOGO16_GLCD_HEIGHT 32
#define LOGO16_GLCD_WIDTH 128
#if (SSD1306_LCDHEIGHT != 32)
#error("Height incorrect, please fix Adafruit_SSD1306.h!");
void setup() {
// by default, we'll generate the high voltage from the 3.3v line internally! (neat!)
display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C); // initialize with the I2C addr 0x3C (for the 128x32)
// Clear the buffer.
void loop() {
String vString = String(count, 3);// using a float and the
robojaxText("Voltage: ", 4, 3, 1, false);
robojaxText(vString, 72, 3, 1, false);
robojaxText("V", 110, 3, 1, false);
robojaxText("Temprature: 32C", 4, 11, 1, false);
robojaxText("Capacity: 92.86L", 4, 21, 1, false);
//display.drawLine(1, 37, 100, 37, WHITE);
display.drawRect(1, 1, 126,31, WHITE);
//display.drawCircle(63,31, 31, WHITE);
//display.startscrollright(0x00, 0x0F);
count +=0.173;
* robojaxText(String text, int x, int y,int size, boolean d)
* text is the text string to be printed
* x is the integer x position of text
* y is the integer y position of text
* z is the text size, 1, 2, 3 etc
* d is either "true" or "false". Not sure, use true
void robojaxText(String text, int x, int y,int size, boolean d) {