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Filter byIC (integrated Circuits) ( 2) Microphone ( 1) USB tools ( 4) Silicon Controlled Rectifier SCR ( 2) Switches ( 16) 7 Segment display ( 5) USB Programmers ( 1) LED, IR, Laser, LDR Light ( 22) Diods ( 10) Electronic Kits ( 2) Capacitors ( 5) Inductors ( 1) IC ( 11) Circuit Module ( 2) Breadboard and PCB ( 5) IC Sockets ( 3) Potentiometer Variable Resistor ( 41) Servo motors ( 2) Connector, Jack and plug ( 7) Resistors ( 4) Transistors ( 20) Voltage Regulartor ( 5)
IR (Infrared) (3) LDR (Light depedent Resistor) Photoresistor (1) LED (light Emmiting Diod) (15) SMD components (4)