Contact Us
This contact page is strictly for business purpose.
If you have
Question related to YouTube videos:
Please post your question under the relevant video on YouTube and I will replay. I read every comment. and I don't miss it. All the comments from all videos are displayed one a single page for me. People read comments to learn, when you post your comment, others replay and I will reply too. Visit Robojax YouTube Channel. I read all comments.
Please do not ask question as I WILL NOT REPLY. Emails with question will be delted.
Amazon Store
If you have any question about items sold on Amazon, please contact using Amazon contact page. You will not get reply from this contact page.
Product review and cooperation
If you have product to be revidewed or you want to advertise your products on Robojax websites or YouTube, please fill the fom below and we will get back to as soon as humanly possible.