Back to Step by Step Course by Robojax

Lesson 109: Generate DC Voltage using MCP4725 DAC with LCD and PWM to Voltage Converter with Arduino (5 projects)

Lesson 109: Generate DC Voltage using MCP4725 DAC with LCD and PWM to Voltage Converter with Arduino (5 projects)

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Part 14: Voltage and Current

In this lesson we learn how to use MCP4725 12 bits Digital To Analog Converter (DAC). The chip and module is explained, datasheet viewed and then using 5 Projects this MCP4725 practically shown. Full wiring diagram and wring shown and how to use the code and library explained.

In Project 5 in lesson 109 Lesson 109-5: Controlling Speed of motor using Variable Resistor (potentiometer) and using Start/Stop push button with Arduino.


  • Project 1: Output 0 to 5V or 0 to 3V depending on which kind of power sources you use for the module. The output shown on digital multimeter.
  • Project 2: Serial command to set voltage
  • Project 3: PWM duty cycle to Voltage converter
  • Project 4: Using two MCP4725 DAC modules
  • Project 5: Using Push button to set voltage on LCD

Timing of chapters in the video

00:00 Introduction
1:19 MCP4725 Explained
4:46 Datasheet viewed
7:07 Project 1: Outputting DC Voltage
09:55 Code and library
13:00 Project 1: demonstration
17:34 Triangular wave
18:54 Sine wave
20:18 Project 2: Control voltage from Serial Monitor
22:21 Project 2: Demonstration
24:53 Project 3: Converting PWM to Voltage
27:33 Code Explained
29:25 Wiring explained
30:29 Project 3: Demonstration
33:25 Project 4: Using two MCP4725 modules
36:27 Project 4: Demonstration
37:30 Project 5: Setting output with push buttons on LCD
39:57 Code explained
45:53 Project 5: Demonstration

 * Lesson 109-5: Controlling Speed of motor using Variable Resistor (potentiometer) and using Start/Stop push button with Arduino.
 * Generates output DC Voltage from 0 to 5.5V or lower. if power supply
 * is 3.3V, then max voltage is 3.3V.
 * we can set the voltage using 3 push buttons. 
 * Button1 to increase
 * Button2 to decrease
 * Button3 to multiply the increment/decrement by 100 or whatever value 
 * you see in the code
 * * Watch Video instrution for this code:
Projects in this video:
Project 1:Output 0 to 5V or 0 to 3V depending on which kind of power sources you use for the module. The output shown on digital multimeter. 
Project 2: Serial command to set voltage
Project 3: PWM duty cycle to Voltage converter
Project 4: Using two MCP4725 DAC modules
Project 5 (this project): Using Push button to set voltage on LCD

 written by Ahmad Shamshiri
 Sep 27, 2022
   * This code is part of Arduino Step by Step Course which starts here:
   * for library of this code visit
  If you found this tutorial helpful, please support me so I can continue creating 
  content like this. Make a donation using PayPal by credit card 
   *  * This code is "AS IS" without warranty or liability. Free to be used as long as you keep this note intact.* 
   * This code has been download from
      This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
      it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
      the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
      (at your option) any later version.
      This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      GNU General Public License for more details.
      You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
      along with this program.  If not, see <>.

    Based on  the Adafruit MCP4725 Library

    Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code,
    please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing
    products from Adafruit!

#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_MCP4725.h>
const int refV = 4652;//reference voltage. see video for details

Adafruit_MCP4725 dac;
int mV =1356;//default value
float V;

#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
// Set the LCD address to 0x3f(green) for a 20 chars and 4 line display
int displayChars =16;//number of characters of display 16 or 20
int displayRows=2;//number of row of dispaly 2 or 4

const uint8_t PUSHBUTTON_PIN_1 =2;
const uint8_t PUSHBUTTON_PIN_2 =3;
const uint8_t PUSHBUTTON_PIN_3 =4;

const int incrementValue=15;//10mv
const int incrmentFast = 100;//
boolean showVolt=true;//false=millivolt, true=Volt

bool valueUpdate = false;

bool fastIncrementSet=false;
int newIncrementValue =0;
  //see video for details
  //get more code from 
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x3f, displayChars, displayRows);

void setup(void) {
  Serial.println("MCP4725 by Robojax");
  //run i2C scanner to find out the I2C address and enter it below
    //see video for details
  //get more code from 

  Serial.println("Output Voltage");
  // Turn on the blacklight and print a message.

  // initialize the LCD
  lcd.print("Robojax MCP4725");
  lcd.print("Voltage: ");  
  lcd.setCursor(8,1);//start from charcter 9 of line 1  
    float Volt = (float) mV/1000;
    lcd.print(Volt);//print current voltage
    lcd.print("V");//print V   
     lcd.print(mV);//print current voltage
    lcd.print("mV");//print mV    

  //see video for details
  //get more code from 

void loop(void) {
    //setmV(465);//set output to 465mV
//    Serial.print(mV);
//    Serial.println("mV");
//    delay(5000);
//    setV(2.635);//set output to 2.6V
//    Serial.print(V, 3);
//    Serial.println("V");
//    delay(5000);
//    Serial.println();
//      clearCharFrom(8, 1);//clear the previous value (if updated) 
//      lcd.setCursor(8,1);//start from charcter 8 of line 1
//      lcd.print(mV);//print voltage
//      lcd.print("mV");//print mV
   //see video for details
  //get more code from    

void pushButtons()
  int pb1 = digitalRead(PUSHBUTTON_PIN_1);
  int pb2 = digitalRead(PUSHBUTTON_PIN_2);
  int pb3 = digitalRead(PUSHBUTTON_PIN_3);

    //see video for details
  //get more code from 
      if( (pb1 == LOW && pb3 == LOW ) || (pb2 == LOW && pb3 == LOW ) )
          newIncrementValue = incrementValue + incrmentFast;
          fastIncrementSet = true;

          newIncrementValue = incrementValue;
          fastIncrementSet = false;           
  if(pb1 ==LOW){  

    if( (mV + newIncrementValue) <= refV )
      mV =mV + newIncrementValue;

      mV =refV;
     valueUpdate = true;
  }else if(pb2 ==LOW){  
    if( (mV -newIncrementValue) >= 0)
      mV =mV - newIncrementValue;
      mV  =0;
    valueUpdate = true;  
    valueUpdate = false;  


void printVoltage()
    //see video for details
  //get more code from 
      clearCharFrom(8, 1);//clear the previous value (if updated) 
      lcd.setCursor(8,1);//start from charcter 8 of line 1
        float volt= (float)mV/1000.0;
        lcd.print(volt);//print voltage
        lcd.print("V");//print V  
        lcd.print(mV);//print voltage
        lcd.print("mV");//print mV        


 * setmV()
 * sets mV value such as 35mV or 2654mV (2.654V)
 * Written Sep 25, 2022
 * by Ahmad Shamshiri
void setmV(int d)
    mV =d;
    dac.setVoltage(map(d, 0, refV, 0, 4095), false);


 * setV()
 * sets Voltage value value in volts such as 3.764
 * Written Sep 25, 2022
 * by Ahmad Shamshiri
void setV(float d)
    V = d;
    dac.setVoltage( map((d *1000), 0, refV, 0, 4095), false);


void clearCharFrom(int c, int row)
    //see video for details
  //get more code from 

    for(int i=c; i<displayChars; i++)
      lcd.setCursor(i,row);//start from charcter 8 of line 1
      lcd.print(" ");
    }//for loop



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