Arduino Code and Video 4x4 matrix black keypad
This is the Arduino code for 4x4 keypad (black).
This video shows you how to use 4x4 black keypad for Arduino.Related Code and Videos
1-4 Keys Keypad2-4x3 Kaypad
3-4x4 Keypad
4-4x4 Keypad Black (hard shell)
5-5x4 Keypad
6-4x3 Keypad: Controlling 8 Channel Relay
Resources for this code
- Library code for 4x4 Keypad
- Get Schematic diagram for this sketch from Arduino Course on Udemy
- Learn Arduino step by step from beginner to Advance (Coruse)
- Get Early Access to my videos via Patreon
* Original sourse:
* This is the Arduino code for 4x4 black keypad
* watch the video for details and demo
* *
* Written by Ahmad S. for Robojax Video channel
* Date: April 15, 2018, in Ajax, Ontario, Canada
* Permission granted to share this code given that this
* note is kept with the code.
* Disclaimer: this code is "AS IS" and for educational purpose only.
* this code has been downloaded from
/* @file HelloKeypad.pde
|| @version 1.0
|| @author Alexander Brevig
|| @contact
|| @description
|| | Demonstrates the simplest use of the matrix Keypad library.
|| #
#include <Keypad.h>
const byte ROWS = 4; //four rows
const byte COLS = 4; //three columns
char keys[ROWS][COLS] = {
// connect the pins from right to left to pin 2, 3, 4, 5,6,7,8,9
byte rowPins[ROWS] = {5,4,3,2}; //connect to the row pinouts of the keypad
byte colPins[COLS] = {9,8,7,6}; //connect to the column pinouts of the keypad
Keypad keypad = Keypad( makeKeymap(keys), rowPins, colPins, ROWS, COLS );
void setup(){
void loop(){
char key = keypad.getKey();
// just print the pressed key
if (key){
Serial.print("Key ");
Serial.println(" is pressed");
// this checks if 4 is pressed, then do something. Here we print the text but you can control something.
if (key =='4'){
// do something here is 4 is pressed
Serial.println("Key 4 is pressed -> Action");