
Lesson 57: Using Array and Loop with Arduino

Lesson 57: Using Array and Loop with Arduino

Please select other codes for this lecture from the links below.

Part 6: Arduino Practial Programming

In this lesson we learn how what an array is and how to define it. Please watch full details video. list of tipcs listed below.
Turn ON and OFF 4 LEDs

 * Lesson 57: What is Array and "for" loop? | Arduino Step By Step Course
 * this code: turn ON and OFF 4 LED
 * Written by Ahmad Shamshiri for Robojax (
 * on Dec 30, 2018 at 11:08 in Ajax, Ontario, Canada
 * watch full explanation:
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 * This code is "AS IS" without warranty or liability. Free to be used as long as you keep this note intact.* 
 * This code has been download from
    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

int led1 = 2;// pin defined for LED 1
int led2 = 3;// pin defined for LED 2
int led3 = 4;// pin defined for LED 3
int led4 = 5;// pin defined for LED 4

void setup() {
  pinMode(led1, OUTPUT);// Define a pin for LED 1
  pinMode(led2, OUTPUT);// Define a pin for LED 2
  pinMode(led3, OUTPUT);// Define a pin for LED 3
  pinMode(led4, OUTPUT);// Define a pin for LED 4   

  Serial.begin(9600);// initialize serial monitor

  digitalWrite(led1,LOW); // turn LED1 OFF
  digitalWrite(led2,LOW); // turn LED2 OFF
  digitalWrite(led3,LOW); // turn LED3 OFF
  digitalWrite(led4,LOW); // turn LED4 OFF  


void loop() {

  digitalWrite(led1,HIGH); // turn LED1 ON
  delay(1000);// wait for 1 secdond
  digitalWrite(led1,LOW); // turn LED1 OFF         
  delay(1000);// wait for 1 secdond

  digitalWrite(led2,HIGH); // turn LED2 ON
  delay(1000);// wait for 1 secdond
  digitalWrite(led2,LOW); // turn LED2 OFF         
  delay(1000);// wait for 1 secdond  

  digitalWrite(led3,HIGH); // turn LED3 ON
  delay(1000);// wait for 1 secdond
  digitalWrite(led3,LOW); // turn LED3 OFF         
  delay(1000);// wait for 1 secdond  

  digitalWrite(led4,HIGH); // turn LED4 ON
  delay(1000);// wait for 1 secdond
  digitalWrite(led4,LOW); // turn LED4 OFF         
  delay(1000);// wait for 1 secdond          
