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Lesson 101: Control AC Bulb, TV, DC Motor and Servo Motor using Arduino

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Lesson 101: Control AC Bulb, TV, DC Motor and Servo Motor using Arduino

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Part 14: Infrared

This is lesson 2 of 5 lessons. In this lesson we learn how to capture and decode infrared code from Infrared Remote Controller. Either Black Remote , white remote or your TV remote.
Using this code we can turn ON/OFF a relay to control any load like AC bulb.
We need the IRremote library to be installed first. Full details is shown in the video. We will use VS1838B IR or infrared receiver. The receiver is sold just a bare part of installed on PCB. This tutorial will show you to use both.

This IR remote series has 4 codes

  1. How to decode IR remote code and Arduino
  2. How to turn ON/OFF an AC bulb using any remote control and Arduino (this code)
  3. How to control a TV using Arduino as remote control
  4. How to control a DC motor using Infrared remote and Arduino
  5. How to control a servo motor using Infrared remote control and Arduino

 * Original library from -
* Lesson 101 code 2
 * This Arduino code decoes any remotes code and then you can control AC load using relay
 * sold on eBay for Arduino. 
 * You have to select the type of your remote as Black or White in the code bellow
 * and also select your receiver 1838 either as PCB or bare module. See video for details

 * Modefied/Written by Ahmad Shamshiri
 * on July 31, 2018 at 20:33 in Ajax, Ontario, Canada
 * for
 * Watch video instruction for this code:
 * Get other Arduino codes from
This video is part of Arduino Step by Step Course which starts here:


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content like this. You can make donation using PayPal

 *  * This code is "AS IS" without warranty or liability. Free to be used as long as you keep this note intact.* 
 * This code has been download from
    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>. 

#include <IRremote.h>

int RECV_PIN = 11;
const char type ='W';// W for white, B for black. Must keep single quotes like 'B' or 'W'
const boolean PCB = 1;// if receiver is PCB set to 1, if not set to 0. See video for details
boolean displayCode = true;// to display remote code. if not, set to false

//***** Relay settings begins
const int RELAY_PIN = 2;// 
const String ON="3";// turn relay ON with + key on remote
const String OFF="1";// turn relay OFF with - key on remote
//**** Relay settings ends

IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);

// this is array holding codes for White Remote when used with PCB verion of receiver
unsigned int whiteRemotePCB[] ={
            0xE318261B, // CH-
            0x511DBB,   // CH
            0xEE886D7F,  // CH+

            0x52A3D41F, // |<<
            0xD7E84B1B, // >>|
            0x20FE4DBB, // >||          

            0xF076C13B, // -
            0xA3C8EDDB, // +
            0x12CEA6E6, // EQ

            0xC101E57B, // 0
            0x97483BFB, // 100+
            0xF0C41643, // 200+

            0x9716BE3F, // 1
            0x3D9AE3F7, // 2
            0x6182021B, // 3           

            0x8C22657B, // 4 
            0x488F3CBB, // 5
            0x449E79F,  // 6

            0x32C6FDF7, // 7
            0x1BC0157B, // 8
            0x3EC3FC1B  // 9                          

// this is array holding codes for White Remote when used with non-PCB verion of receiver            
unsigned int whiteRemote[] ={
            0xFFA25D, // CH-
            0xFF629D,   // CH
            0xFFE21D,  // CH+

            0xFF22DD, // |<<
            0xFF02FD, // >>|
            0xFFC23D, // >||          

            0xFFE01F, // -
            0xFFA857, // +
            0xFF906F, // EQ

            0xFF6897, // 0
            0xFF9867, // 100+
            0xFFB04F, // 200+

            0xFF30CF, // 1
            0xFF18E7, // 2
            0xFF7A85, // 3           

            0xFF10EF, // 4 
            0xFF38C7, // 5
            0xFF5AA5,  // 6

            0xFF42BD, // 7
            0xFF4AB5, // 8
            0xFF52AD  // 9                          
// key lables of white remote
 String whiteRemoteKey[] ={







// this is array holding codes for Black Remote when used with non-PCB verion of receiver
 unsigned int blackRemote[] ={
            0xFF629D, // ^
            0xFF22DD,   // <
            0xFF02FD,  // OK
            0xFFC23D, // >
            0xFFA857, // v

            0xFF6897, // 1
            0xFF9867, // 2
            0xF0C41643, // 3           

            0xFF30CF, // 4 
            0xFF18E7, // 5
            0xFF7A85,  // 6

            0xFF10EF, // 7
            0xFF38C7, // 8
            0xFF5AA5,  // 9 

            0xFF42BD, // *
            0xFF4AB5, // 0
            0xFF52AD  // #                                      

// this is array holding codes for Black Remote when used with PCB verion of receiver
 unsigned int blackRemotePCB[] ={
            0x511DBB, // ^
            0x52A3D41F,   // <
            0xD7E84B1B,  // OK
            0x20FE4DBB, // >
            0xA3C8EDDB, // v

            0xC101E57B, // 1
            0x97483BFB, // 2
            0xF0C41643, // 3           

            0x9716BE3F, // 4 
            0x3D9AE3F7, // 5
            0x6182021B,  // 6

            0x8C22657B, // 7
            0x488F3CBB, // 8
            0x449E79F,  // 9 

            0x32C6FDF7, // *
            0x1BC0157B, // 0
            0x3EC3FC1B  // #                                      

// Black remote key names
 String blackRemoteKey[] ={




decode_results results;

void setup()
  // In case the interrupt driver crashes on setup, give a clue
  // to the user what's going on.
  Serial.println("Robojax IR Decode");
  Serial.println("Control Relay with Remote");
  irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start the receiver

  pinMode(RELAY_PIN,OUTPUT);// define a pin for relay as OUTPUT
  digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, HIGH);// set relay to OFF at the begining

void loop() {

  if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {
    if(displayCode)Serial.println(results.value, HEX);
    robojaxValidateCode(results.value);// used the "robojaxValidateCode" bellow
    irrecv.resume(); // Receive the next value

 * function: robojaxValidateCode
 * validates the remote code and prints correct key name
 * cd is code poassed from the loop
 * Written by A. S. for Robojax
void robojaxValidateCode(int cd)

  // Robojax IR Remote decoder
  int found=0;

 if(type =='W' && !PCB)
    // Robojax IR White Remote decoder
    // if tyepe is set to 'W' (white remote) and PCB=0 then check Black remote code
      for(int i=0; i< sizeof(whiteRemote)/sizeof(int); i++)
        if(whiteRemote[i] ==cd)
          Serial.print("Key pressed:");
          relayAction(whiteRemoteKey[i]);// take action
        }// if matched
      }// for
 }else if(type =='W' && PCB){
    // Robojax IR White Remote decoder
    // if tyepe is set to 'W' (white remote) and PCB=1 then check Black remote code
      for(int i=0; i< sizeof(whiteRemotePCB)/sizeof(int); i++)
        if(whiteRemotePCB[i] ==cd)
          Serial.print("Key pressed:");
          relayAction(whiteRemoteKey[i]);// take action 
        }// if matched
      }// for  
 }else if(type =='B' && PCB){
    // Robojax IR White Remote decoder
       // if tyepe is set to 'B' (black remote) and PCB=1 then check Black remote code
       for(int i=0; i< sizeof(blackRemotePCB)/sizeof(int); i++)
        // Robojax IR black Remote decoder
        if(blackRemotePCB[i] ==cd)

          Serial.print("Key pressed:");
         relayAction(blackRemoteKey[i]);// take action     
        }// if matched
      }// for   

      // if tyepe is set to 'B' (black remote) and PCB =0 then check Black remote code
       for(int i=0; i< sizeof(blackRemote)/sizeof(int); i++)
        // Robojax IR black Remote decoder
        if(blackRemote[i] ==cd)

          Serial.print("Key pressed:");
          relayAction(blackRemoteKey[i]);// take action          
        }// if matched
      }// for  
 }// else
    if(cd !=0xFFFFFFFF)
    Serial.println("Key unkown");
  }// found
}// robojaxValidateCode end

 * relayAction()
 * receives string "value" as input and based on the settings, 
 * turns relya pin HIGH or LOW
void relayAction(String value)
  // Robojax IR Relay control
   if(value == ON)
    digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, LOW);// Turn relay ON
    Serial.println("Relay Turned ON");

   if(value == OFF)
    digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, HIGH);// Turn relay OFF
    Serial.println("Relay Turned OFF");
}//relayAction end


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