How Measure Tilt Angle using SCA60C angle sensor and take action based on Angle
How Measure Tilt Angle using SCA60C angle sensor and take action based on Angle
Using this Arduino code and SCA60C title angle sensor we can measure the angle of robotic arm or element. this Code is a vriation of the main code here where you can use this to take action for example turn ON or OFF something or do something when agale is equal, less or greator than some value.
Turning ON or OFF a buzzer or relay at certain angle
We define a pin of arduino as OUTPUT where relay or buzzer is connected. we call that pin controPin and have a vairable for desired angle where we take action at. We call it myAnle which holds the angle. We can have a time when the Arduino takes acction to turn ON or OFF the buzzer or relay, we can keep it in that state for certain time and we callit it waitTime. The wait time is millisecond. For 3 seconds we enter 3000 for example. If we don't want any delay, then we enter zero.Topics and Timing of section of video
- 00:52 Introduction
- 02:16 SCA60C1 Hardware explained
- 04:14 Datasheet
- 04:56 Wiring Explained
- 05:75 Code settings
- 08:00 Tilt Angle Sensor Demonstration
Resources for this sketch
Basic code to control direction of rotation of motor with 2 relay
* Tile Angle Sensor SCA60C1 N1000060
* it displays the angle from 0 to 180 degrees.
* Watch video instructions for this code:
written by Ahmad Shamshiri on Mar 17, 2020 at 20:20
* in Ajax, Ontario, Canada.
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const int controPin = 2;//pin to for control
const int waitTime = 2000;//2000mS or 2 seconds wait
const in myAnle = 45;
const int anglePin =A0;
int angle =0;
const int angleCompensate =0;
const int d1Pin =A1;
int d1State =LOW;
int d1Delay =0;//watch
const int d2Pin =A2;
int d2State =LOW;
int d2Delay =0;
char *lables[]={"Angle","Alarm D1","Alarm D2"};
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); // setup serial
Serial.println("Robojax SCA60C Angle Sensor");
pinMode(controPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(controPin, LOW);//LOW is initial state of buzzer. Set to HIGH if you want to it the other way
void loop(){
//Robojax Tilt Angle Sensor
//Watch video for details:
//take action here
if(angle >=myAnle)
//turn the buzzer ON
digitalWrite(controPin, HIGH);//HIGH or LOW as desired
delay(waitTime);// keep it waiting for the waitTime
// print out the value you read:
Serial.println("°");//degree symbol
// Serial.print(" ");
// Serial.print(lables[1]);
// Serial.print(":");
// Serial.print(d1State);
// Serial.print(" ");
// Serial.print(lables[2]);
// Serial.print(":");
// Serial.println(d2State);
// Serial.println("======");
//Robojax Tilt Angle Sensor
void getAngle()
//watch video instruction
angle =map(analogRead(A0), 96, 927, -90, 90) + angleCompensate;
@brief get the state of d1 Alarm HIGH if triggered
@param no parameter
@returns returns nothing
written by Ahmad Shamshiri on Mar 17, 2020 at 20:20 in Ajax, Ontario ,Canada
void d1Alarm()
//watch video for details:
float vo = analogRead(d1Pin) * (5.0 / 1023.0);
if(vo < 3.5)
d1State =HIGH;
d1State =LOW;
}//d1Alarm() end
@brief get the state of d1 Alarm HIGH if triggered
@param no parameter
@returns returns nothing
written by Ahmad Shamshiri on Mar 17, 2020 at 20:20 in Ajax, Ontario ,Canada
void d2Alarm()
//watch video for details:
float vo = analogRead(d2Pin) * (5.0 / 1023.0);
if(vo < 3.5)
d2State =HIGH;
d2State =LOW;
}//d1Alarm() end