
Control 10 output pins using 10 push button switch with 1 Arduino input pin ANPB-V2

دروس آردوینو به فارسی

How to use more up to 10 push button switch with Arduino input pin ANPB-V2

In this article, we learn how to connect up to 10 push buttons to one Arduino input pin by controlling relays to turn ON/OFF or toggle AC bulb. This way we save Arduins pins for other purposes.
For each push button we need one resistor. For example if you want to use 5 push buttons, then we need 5 resistors and one ground resistor. Ground resistor should be 50 to 100 times largers than resistors connected to push buttons.

Selecting Resistor for this purpose

In this video I've shown to use 1kΩ resistors and for ground resistors I've selected 100kΩ resistor. We can use carbon film resistors with 10% tolerance or metal film resistors with 1% tolerance. The lower the tolerance number the better the result which allows using more push buttons. For example 1% tolrant resistors are better than 10% tolrant resistors.

Code and video for ANPB-V1

Multiple push button to on pin: Setup with Arduino UNO

Multiple push button to on pin: Setup with Arduino UNO
Click on image to enlarge

Multiple push button to on pin: Push buttons and resistors on breadboard

Multiple push button to on pin:Push buttons and resistors on breadboard
Click on image to enlarge

Multiple push button to on pin: Arduion UNO wires to breadbaord

Multiple push button to on pin: Arduion UNO wires to breadbaord
Click on image to enlarge

Multiple push button to on pin: 5 Push buttons with 10% Carbon film resistors

Multiple push button to on pin: 5 Push buttons with 10% Carbon film resistors
Click on image to enlarge

Multiple push button to on pin: Arduino UNO with 10 push buttons and 1% tolerant resisstor

Multiple push button to on pin: Arduino UNO with 10 push buttons and 1% tolerant resisstor
Click on image to enlarge

Multiple push button to on pin: Arduino UNO with 10 push buttons and 1% tolerant resisstor 2

Multiple push button to on pin:Arduino UNO with 10 push buttons and 1% tolerant resisstor 2
Click on image to enlarge

Multiple push button to on pin: Arduino UNO with 10 push buttons and 1% tolerant resisstor 3

Multiple push button to on pin: Arduino UNO with 10 push buttons and 1% tolerant resisstor 3
Click on image to enlarge

Multiple push button to on pin: Breadboard closeup view with 1% rolerant resistors - Left side

Multiple push button to on pin: Breadboard closeup view with 1% rolerant resistors - Left side
Click on image to enlarge

Multiple push button to on pin: Breadboard closeup view with 1% rolerant resistors - Right side

Multiple push button to on pin : Breadboard closeup view with 1% rolerant resistors - Right side
Click on image to enlarge

Multiple push button to on pin: Using Arduino NANO

Multiple push button to on pin : Using Arduino NANO
Click on image to enlarge

Multiple push button to on pin: : Using Arduino NANO - 10 push buttons

Multiple push button to on pin : Using Arduino NANO - 10 push buttons
Click on image to enlarge

Multiple push button to on pin: Using Arduino MEGA

Multiple push button to on pin : Using Arduino MEGA
Click on image to enlarge

Multiple push button to on pin: Using Arduino MEGA - Wires

Multiple push button to on pin: Using Arduino MEGA - Wires
Click on image to enlarge

Multiple push button to on pin: Arduino MEGA, Due and Uno

Multiple push button to on pin: Arduino MEGA, Due and Uno
Click on image to enlarge

Multiple push button to on pin: Arduino MKR WAN - With 10 push buttons

Multiple push button to on pin: : Arduino MKR WAN - With 10 push buttons
Click on image to enlarge

Multiple push button to on pin: Arduino MKR WAN

Multiple push button to on pin : Arduino MKR WAN
Click on image to enlarge

Related Videso

-Howto use a breadboard
-Read any DC voltage using Arduino

Resources for this sketch

Dowload the code

Download this code as zip.

 * this is Version 2: V2 Which has relay toggle options
 * This is Arduino code to use 2 to 10 push button switches with Arduino UNO, Mega, Nano wither with 3.3V or 5V
 * V1 Video is just to control output and do whatever you want with it:
 * Written by Ahmad Shamshiri for Robojax
 * on Nov 27 to Dec 04, 2020  in Ajax, Ontario, Canada
 Watch the video instruction for this sketc (V2) h:

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 * Code is available at

 * This code is "AS IS" without warranty or liability. Free to be used as long as you keep this note intact.* 
 * This code has been download from
    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>. 


unsigned int pushbuttonsCount=10;//number of push buttons and resistors
unsigned long resitorValue=1000;
unsigned long resitorToGround=100000;

byte inPin =A0;
float sourceVoltage=5;//5V or 3.3V depending on your arduino
char *push_button_name[]={"PB1", "PB2", "PB3", "PB4","PB5","PB6","PB7", "PB8", "PB9", "PB10"};
bool pbValue[]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};//this holds the status of each push button
unsigned int outputPin[]={2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11};

int pushDelayTime=100;//100 milliseconds watch video for details
float V_tolerance =0.05;//10% (for example) for 1% set 0.01 for 5% set 0.05
bool debug=true;//to display votlage and calculations
const byte BIT_SOLUTION=10;//for Due and MKR set to 12.

byte outputON=0;//for output control
byte outputOFF=1;
bool toggleOutput=false;

void readPushButtons();
void setup()
// analogReadResolution(BIT_SOLUTION);//for Due, MKR only
 Serial.println(" Code");
 Serial.println(" Push buttons");
 for(int i=0; i<pushbuttonsCount; i++)
  pinMode(outputPin[i], OUTPUT);//set pin from outputPin[] as output.
  digitalWrite(outputPin[i], outputOFF);//set output to OFF

}//setup ends

void loop()

    for(unsigned int i=0; i< pushbuttonsCount; i++)
        Serial.print("pressed ");        
        controlOutput(i, outputON);//control the output/relay or LED
        controlOutput(i, outputOFF);//        


 * @brief reads input voltage when push buttons are pressed and updates the value of state of each push button
 * @param none
 * @return none
 * Written by Ahmad Shamshiri for 
 * on Dec 04, 2020 in Ajax, Ontatio, Canada
void readPushButtons()
   float VR_Calculated,RT, voltage_maximum, voltage_minimum;
   float V_measured =analogRead(inPin);
//        Serial.print("RAW A0: ");
//        Serial.println(V_measured);  
   V_measured = V_measured* ( (float)sourceVoltage/(pow(2,BIT_SOLUTION)-1));
//        Serial.print("Measured Voltage: ");
//        Serial.print(V_measured);  
//        Serial.println("V");  
        Serial.print("Measured Voltage: ");

        Serial.println(" Push buttons");                
    for(unsigned int i=0; i< pushbuttonsCount; i++)

       //calculate the R value for parallel resistor with the groudn resistors
      RT= 1/(   (1/ ((i+1)*(float)resitorValue) + (1/(float)resitorToGround)));
      VR_Calculated =( sourceVoltage * RT)/ (  (pushbuttonsCount - (i+1)) *(float)resitorValue + RT);//get voltage for the current resistor i
      if( i+1 == pushbuttonsCount)
        VR_Calculated = sourceVoltage;//for last push button, voltage is the same as power supply
 // watch video for details
   voltage_minimum = VR_Calculated-V_tolerance*VR_Calculated;//calcualte minium voltage for 10% (or whaterver set) reistors
   voltage_maximum = VR_Calculated+V_tolerance*VR_Calculated;//calcualte maximum voltage for 10% (or whaterver set) reistors

 if( i< pushbuttonsCount-1 && debug)
  Serial.print("	 R-BP-");
  Serial.print(" ");
    Serial.print("	");//this is fixing the tab space for first item less than 1000Ω
   Serial.print("	 VR ");
   Serial.print( VR_Calculated );   

   Serial.print("	 V-Min ");
   Serial.print( voltage_minimum );   
   Serial.print("	 V-Max ");
   Serial.print( voltage_maximum );   
      // watch video for details
      if( V_measured <= ( voltage_maximum) && 
          V_measured >= ( voltage_minimum)
            pbValue[i]=1-pbValue[i];//set puths button value to true
            delay(pushDelayTime);//push time limit
             pbValue[i]=true;//set puths button value to true
            delay(pushDelayTime);//push time limit           

 * controlOutput(int i, int status)
 * @brief contorls the output pin
 * @param i is the corresponding to the push button pressed starting with zero 
 * @param status is either 1 or 0. 1=on, 0=off
 * @return none
 * Written by Ahmad Shamshiri for 
 * on Dec 04, 2020 in Ajax, Ontatio, Canada
void controlOutput(int i, byte status)

  digitalWrite(outputPin[i], status);
    if(debug && status){
Pin ");
  Serial.println(" is ON");
Pin ");
  Serial.println(" is OFF");      
}//controlOutput(int i) end