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Lesson 110: Build up to 8 digits Seven Segment display using 74HC595 Shift Register | Robojax

Lesson 110: Build up to 8 digits Seven Segment display using 74HC595 Shift Register | Robojax

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LED Seven Segment Display using 74HC595

This vode is to introduct the 74HC595 to driver 8 LED lights and turn them ON from 0 to 8 one by one while keeping each LED ON.

Projects in this video using 74HC595

  • Project 1: Basic Shifting LED lights
  • Project 2: Single Digit Seven Segment at 6:29 of video
  • Project 3: Two digits dispaly at 15:28 of this video
  • Project 4: Up to 8 Digits display is explaiend at 31:47
  • Project 5: Adjusting delay of each digits using potentiometer at 57:32
  • Project 6: Measuring DC voltage and dispalying on the LCD at 1:00:41

In Project 4: Up to 8 digits Seven Segment Display In this section of video I explaine the code and show you fll wiring digram to build up to 8 digits seven set_magic_quotes_runtime LED display that display integers (58 or 3456) or decimal values such as 23.456.

Timing of chapters in the video

00:00 Start
2:19 Code-1 Walking light
4:02 code-1: demonstration
4:49 connecting seven segment to walking light code
6:19 Code-2 single digit display
8:13 code-2: wiring
12:20 code-2: code explained
14:35 code-2: demo
15:28 code-2: two digits wiring (main wiring)
24:25 code-3: two digits Seven Segment display using 74HC595 code
29:06 How to digits display works
31:47 Code-4: Up to 8 digits Seven Segment display using 74HC595
36:16 All digits code explained
50:43 All digits demo
55:38 two display in parallel
56:30 Common Anode/Common Cathode test
57:32 Code-5: Adjusting delay with potentiometer
1:00:42 Code-6: Pot voltage
1:03:36 driving display with transistor
1:04:01 wiring explained
1:05:29 demo: transistor driver

This code is to driver two Digits Seven Segment display using two pices of 74HC595
Watch full video instruction on YouTube
written and explained by Ahmad Shamshiri on

This is arduino sketch to use 74HC595 shift register to drive 2 to 8 LED Seven Segment Display
it can display integer like 38765 or floatping point number such as 345.7162
written by Ahmad Shamshiri
writen on March 9 to March 16, 2024

int CLOCK_SHCP_PIN11 = 12;//SHcp pin of 74HC595 
int LATCH_STCP_PIN12 = 11;//STcp pin of 74HC595 
int DATA_DS_PIN14 = 10;//ds pin of 74HC595 
#define DIGITS 5
#define SHOW_ZERO false
const char type= 'C'; //A for common anode, C for common cathode
int myDigits[DIGITS], digitsLength;
long timeToRemember, decimalPosition=NULL;
bool debug , isFloatingNumber;
int debugDelay = 0;//set the debugging value in milliseonds like 2000. to turn OFF set it to zero

byte digits[] =   {B00111111, //0
                   B00000110, //1
                   B01011011, //2
                   B01001111, //3
                   B01100110, //4
                   B01101101, //5
                   B01111101, //6
                   B00000111, //7
                   B01111111, //8
                   B01101111  //9

void showNumber(long, long);
int intLength(long);
void setup() {
  pinMode(DATA_DS_PIN14, OUTPUT);

   digitalWrite(CLOCK_SHCP_PIN11, LOW);
   digitalWrite(LATCH_STCP_PIN12, LOW);
   digitalWrite(DATA_DS_PIN14, LOW);
   if(debugDelay > 0) 
    debug= true;
    debug= false;

void loop() {

showNumber(54932, 2000);
showNumber(72, 3000);
showNumberDecimal(1.654, 2000);
 showNumber(205, 3000);
showNumberDecimal(97.504, 2000);
 for(int i=0; i < 331; i++)
  showNumber(i, 5);
//  //delay(2000);
//   //delay(1);


//code has been take from
and modified
 * @brief shows number on the Seven Segment Display
 * @param "num" is integer like 5, or 78 to display
 * @param "t" is the delay time to display the digit. 
 * @return returns none
 * Usage to show 18 for 2000 milliseconds: showNumber(18, 2000);
 * Written by Ahmad Shamshiri on 08 Mar 2024 
 * in Ajax, Ontario, Canada
void showNumber(long number, long t)
  timeToRemember = millis();
  isFloatingNumber = false;
  digitsLength = intLength(number);//get the length of digits needed for leading zeros removal
    int k=0;
    for(int i=DIGITS-1; i >=0; i--)
      int divisionValue = (int)(pow(10, k)+.5);
      myDigits[i] = (number/ divisionValue) % 10;
    // myDigits[4]=(number/1) % 10 ;//59847 gets 7
    // myDigits[3]=(number / 10) % 10 ;//59847 gets 4
    // myDigits[2]=(number / 100) % 10 ;//59847 gets 8
    // myDigits[1]=(number / 1000) % 10 ;//59847 gets 9
    // myDigits[0]=(number / 10000) % 10 ;//59847 gets 5

    while( millis() - timeToRemember < t)
    // int k=0;
    // while( 1)    
      // k++;



void shiftDigits()
    int digitBits =B11111110;
    int leadingZeros = DIGITS - digitsLength;
      Serial.print(" leadingZeros :");

  for(int i=0; i< DIGITS+1; i++)
   //Serial.print("Digit: ");Serial.println( myDigits[i]);
    for(int i=0; i < DIGITS; i++)
      switch (i)
        case 0:
          digitBits =B11111110;
        case 1:
          digitBits =B11111101;
        case 2:
          digitBits =B11111011;
        case 3:
          digitBits =B11110111;
        case 4:
          digitBits =B11101111;

      if(i == decimalPosition && isFloatingNumber)
        digits[myDigits[i]] |= (1 << 7);//set 7th bit to 1 to display decimal
      //digits[myDigits[i]] |= (1 << 7);//set 7th bit to 1 to display decimal
      // Serial.print("myDigits[");
      // Serial.print(i);
      // Serial.print("] =");
      // Serial.println(myDigits[i]);
    //this loop below is to turn off the leading zeros if set the at the top of the code
    int segmentsToDisplay =digits[ myDigits[i]] ;//remember the segments value for leading zero removal
      for(int k=0; k < leadingZeros; k++)
             segmentsToDisplay =B00000000;//turn off all segments

    if(type =='A')
      segmentsToDisplay = ~segmentsToDisplay;//toggle all bits for common anode display type

      Serial.print(" digitBits:");
      Serial.print(digitBits, BIN); 
      Serial.print(" segmentsToDisplay:");
      Serial.println(segmentsToDisplay, BIN);                 
      Serial.print(" digits[ myDigits[");
      Serial.print("]]) = ");            
      Serial.println(digits[ myDigits[i]], BIN);
      digitalWrite(LATCH_STCP_PIN12, LOW);
      shiftOut(DATA_DS_PIN14, CLOCK_SHCP_PIN11, MSBFIRST, digitBits); 
      shiftOut(DATA_DS_PIN14, CLOCK_SHCP_PIN11, MSBFIRST, segmentsToDisplay);
      digitalWrite(LATCH_STCP_PIN12, HIGH);
      if( i == decimalPosition && isFloatingNumber)
        digits[myDigits[i]] ^= (1 << 7);//toggle the decimal bit to OFF


     // int digitBits =B00100000;//keeps all digits ON with ditigtBits << 1 for [3]   and << 2 for [2]   
      //digitBits =B00000001;      
      // Serial.print(number);
      // Serial.print("digitBits:");
      // Serial.print(digitBits, BIN);
      // Serial.print(" for digit0: ");
      // Serial.println(myDigits[0]);


void showNumberDecimal(float floatNumber, long t)
  timeToRemember = millis();
  isFloatingNumber = true;
    //   //if we have 2.8
    // int d2 = num;//2.8 becomes 2
    // int d1 = (int) (num *10);
    // d1 = d1 % 10;// gets 8
    // digits[d2] |= (1 << 7);//set 7th bit to 1 to display decimal
      Serial.print("Decimal position:");
    while( millis() - timeToRemember < t)

      // digitalWrite(LATCH_STCP_PIN12, LOW);
      // shiftOut(DATA_DS_PIN14, CLOCK_SHCP_PIN11, MSBFIRST, B00000001); 
      // shiftOut(DATA_DS_PIN14, CLOCK_SHCP_PIN11, MSBFIRST, digits[d2]);
      // digitalWrite(LATCH_STCP_PIN12, HIGH);
      // delay(1);

      // digitalWrite(LATCH_STCP_PIN12, LOW);
      // shiftOut(DATA_DS_PIN14, CLOCK_SHCP_PIN11, MSBFIRST, B00000010); 
      // shiftOut(DATA_DS_PIN14, CLOCK_SHCP_PIN11, MSBFIRST, digits[d1]);
      // digitalWrite(LATCH_STCP_PIN12, HIGH);
      // delay(1);

  //digits[d1] ^= (1 << 7);//toggle the decimal bit to OFF


void floatToInt(float floatNumber)
  char charNumber[DIGITS+1];//create char array for one extra char for decimal place
  dtostrf(floatNumber, DIGITS+1, FLOAT_PRECISION, charNumber);//
  //now charNumber holds the float value as char array
  String stringNumber =charNumber;//convert it to String to amke it easy to work with
  Serial.print("===== ");Serial.print(floatNumber, FLOAT_PRECISION); Serial.println(" ===");
  Serial.print("charNumber: ");
  Serial.print("stringNumber: ");Serial.println(stringNumber);
  ////get the position of decimal place
  for(int i=0; i< DIGITS+1; i++)
    if(charNumber[i] =='.')
      decimalPosition =i;//get the position of decimal point      

  //this array is used to compare each char in the stringNumber variable
  //so we assign integer for that value
  char charDigits[]={'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'};

  stringNumber.remove(decimalPosition, 1);//remove . the decimal point from string
  decimalPosition--;//after removing the decimal point, then we should subtract the position
    Serial.print("stringNumber(. removed): ");Serial.println(stringNumber);
  digitsLength =0;//need this to turn off leadzing zeros

// "8763"
  for(int i=0; i< stringNumber.length(); i++)
      //check each stringNumber.charAt(i) agains charDigits[n]
      for(int n=0; n <=9; n++)
        if(stringNumber.charAt(i) ==charDigits[n] )
        myDigits[i]=n;//save the digit in the array

      }//inner loo end

  }//for loop end
}//floatToInt end

gets length of  long integer 
@param number is long integer to the its length
@return the lenght from 0 to 9
int intLength(long number)
  int Length = 0;
  if(number >      99999999)Length = 9;
  else if(number > 9999999)Length = 8;  
  else if(number > 999999)Length = 7;
  else if(number > 99999)Length = 6;
  else if(number > 9999)Length = 5;
  else if(number > 999)Length = 4;
  else if(number > 99)Length = 3;
  else if(number > 9)Length = 2;
  else if(number < 9 && number > 0)Length = 1;  
  else Length = 0;
  return Length;
}//intLength ends


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