How to use XY-DJ Charge Control Module with Over Charge Protection Solar
Full Review of XY-DJ module: 18650 Lithium Battery Charger Board with Over Charge Discharge Protection 6-40V Integrated Circuits
This this video shows how to use 18650 Lithium Battery Charger Board with Over Charge Discharge Protection 6-40V Integrated Circuits Battery Charger Discharger Module Under Voltage
This module needs separate DC power source from 6V to 40V and you can use any power adapter 6V, 9V, 12V, 15V, 24V or 36V with 200mA or higher current will work. Higher current rating like 1000mA or higher will not harm the module. You can power it up using 9V battery or 12V car battery as well.
The right side is for charge control.
XY-DJ 18650 Lithium Battery Charger: Mode 1 connection
In this mode the relay is turnnig ON and OFF the charge current that goes direcly to the relay. If the current is up to
maximum of 10A and the relay is rated at 10A, then use this mode.
This XY-DJ can be also powred up by the same battery if the voltage of the batter is 6V to 60V.
![XY-DJ 18650 Lithium Battery Charger: Mode 1 connection](robojax_XY-DJ_charge_control-1s.jpg)
Click on image to enlarge
XY-DJ 18650 Lithium Battery Charger: Mode 2 Connection
In this mode the relay is turnnig ON and OFF the AC Charger so higher charge current can be controlled.
For example if you live in USA
with AC power voltage of 120V and the relay can control 10A, then 120Vx10A=1200W charger can be controlled.
If you are living Europe or Asia with AC power line voltage of 220V, then 220V x 10A = 2200W charger can be controlled.
This XY-DJ can be also powred up by the same battery if the voltage of the batter is 6V to 60V.
![XY-DJ 18650 Lithium Battery Charger: Mode 2 Connection](robojax_XY-DJ_charge_control-2s.jpg)
Click on image to enlarge
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