Overcurrent Protection with Winson WCS Current Sensors and Arduino
Overcurrent Protection with Winson WCS Current Sensors and Arduino -
This tutorial by Robojax explains how to use Winson WCS Current sensor to measure DC current and use relay as Overcurrent protection to the current is disconnected when the current reaches to thershold value set in the code. Robojax WCS Library is used to measure current. this code will work with all Winson WCS Current sensor. This video requires Robojax WCS Library to be installed. The link is below.
This code is offered as 3 sketch.
1- OverCurrent Protection with LCD
2- OverCurrent Protection with LCD and pwering up LCD from digial pin
3- OverCurrent Protection without LCD
Topic timing in the video
- 01:22 Introduction to OverCurrent Protection
- 05:46 Hight and low level triggered relay
- 07:54 Connectring load
- 08:50 Wiring Explained
- 14:58 Code explained: Using LCD
- 26:42 Code expaained: Without LCD
- 27:47 Demonstration: With LCD
- 30:28 Demonstration: LCD with STOP (for ever)
- 31:41 Demonstration: Without LCD
- 33:43 Demonstration: with STOP (for ever)
OverCurrent Protection using Winson WCS Sensor:
Click on image to enlarge
Resources for this module
- Download Robojax WCS Library (right-click and select Save Link as)
- Introduction to Winson WCS Current Sensor and Basic Code
- Windos Semicudoctor WCS Web page
- Robojax Crash Course on Arduino: Learn Arduino in 30 Minutes (code and video)
- Robojax Arduino Course on Udemy
- Get Early Access to my videos via Patreon
Arduino code for Winson WCS Current Sensor
this code is included with the library. You don't have to download it from this page. Just download the library and this code is included.
* Robojax_WCS_OverCurrent
* Read current and control a relay to disconnect load at certain current value
(there is another version of this with LCD. Check library)
* This is Arduino code based on Robojax WCS library
* for Winson WSC Current Sensor to measure current
get the Robojax WCS Arduino library: http://robojax.com/L/?id=230
* Watch video instruction for this code: https://youtu.be/vs7Nw107AOo
* Related Vidsos:
* Introduction to Winson WCS Sensors: https://youtu.be/z-s8UvCWGxY
* Display current on LCD: https://youtu.be/-pg7jbkaB6A
* Overcurrent protection with WCS Current sensors: https://youtu.be/vs7Nw107AOo
* Measure Current using ESP8266 NodeMCU, D1 Mino over Wifi:
* Measure current using ESP32 Bluetooth on mobile devices:
The LCD library is taken from: https://github.com/fdebrabander/Arduino-LiquidCrystal-I2C-library
* Written on July 26, 2020 by Ahmad Shamshiri in Ajax, Ontario, Canada
* www. Robojax.com
Model of the sensor to select
//dirct wiring series
0 "WCS38A25",//0
1 "WCS37A50",//1
2 "WCS2801",//2
3 "WCS2702",//3
4 "WCS2705",//4
5 "WCS2810",//5
6 "WCS2720",//6
7 "WCS2750",//7
8 "WCS3740",//8
//through hole sensor
9 "WCS1500",//9
10 "WCS1600",//10
11 "WCS1700",//11
12 "WCS1800",//12
13 "WCS2800",//13
14 "WCS6800",//14
//AC to DC Current sensor
15 "WCS2202",//15
* Get this code and other Arduino codes from Robojax.com
Learn Arduino step by step in structured course with all material, wiring diagram and library
all in once place. Purchase My course on Udemy.com http://robojax.com/L/?id=62
If you found this tutorial helpful, please support me so I can continue creating
content like this. You can support me on Patreon http://robojax.com/L/?id=63
or make donation using PayPal http://robojax.com/L/?id=64
* * This code is "AS IS" without warranty or liability. Free to be used as long as you keep this note intact.*
* This code has been download from Robojax.com
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Robojax_WCS.h>
#define MODEL 12
#define SENSOR_PIN A0 //pin for reading sensor
#define SENSOR_VCC_PIN 8 //pin for powring up the sensor
#define ZERO_CURRENT_LED_PIN 2 //zero current LED pin
#define ZERO_CURRENT_WAIT_TIME 5000 //wait for 5 seconds to allow zero current measurement
#define CORRECTION_VLALUE 164 //mA
#define VOLTAGE_REFERENCE 5000.0 //5000mv is for 5V
#define DEBUG_ONCE true
//Settings for relay control
const int RELAY_PIN = 3;
const float CURRENT = 12.5;
const int relayTrigerType = HIGH;
int relayON, relayOFF;
const int HOLD_FOR = 6000;
bool STOP=false;
//////////// end of relay control settings
Robojax_WCS sensor(
void setup()
//Robojax.com WCS Current Sensor Relay Control 20200726
Serial.println("Robojax WCS Library Relay Control");
Serial.print("Sensor: "); Serial.println(sensor.getModel());
Serial.print("Library Version:");Serial.println(sensor.version());
//sensor.printModels();//prints all supported WCS models
if(relayTrigerType ==HIGH)
digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN,LOW); //define pin for relay
relayON =HIGH;//set relayON for HIGH trigger
relayOFF=LOW; //set realyOFF for HIGH trigger
relayON =LOW;//set relayON for LOW trigger
relayOFF=HIGH;//set relayOFF for LOW trigger
//Robojax.com WCS Current Sensor Relay Control 20200726
}//setup() end
void loop()
//Robojax.com WCS Current Sensor Relay Control 20200726
delay(1000);//wait for 1 second
if(sensor.getCurrent() > 8.5 )
//do something when current is greater than 8.5A
//Robojax.com WCS Current Sensor Relay Control 20200726
}//loop end
* relayControl()
* @brief turns relay ON or OFF when CURRENT is equal sensor.getCurrent()
* @param none
* @return none
* Written by Ahmad Shamshiri for robojax.com
* on July 26, 2020 in Ajax, Ontario, Canada
void relayControl()
//Robojax.com WCS Current Sensor Relay Control 20200726
if(sensor.getCurrent() >= CURRENT )
digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, relayON);
Serial.print("Current reached: ");
Serial.println("Relay turned ON");
Serial.println("Waiting for ever");
while(1);//wait for ever
Serial.print("Waiting for ");
Serial.print(HOLD_FOR/1000);Serial.println(" Seconds");
delay(HOLD_FOR);//wait for this much time
digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, relayOFF);
//Robojax.com WCS Current Sensor Relay Control 20200726
}//relayControl() end
OverCurrent Protection using Winson WCS Sensor: full setup
Click on image to enlarge
Winson WCS Current Sensor with LCD: Passing wire through WCS1800
Click on image to enlarge
OverCurrent Protection using Winson WCS Sensor: WCS3740
Click on image to enlarge
OverCurrent Protection using Winson WCS Sensor: WCS3740
Click on image to enlarge
OverCurrent Protection using Winson WCS Sensor: WCS3740
Click on image to enlarge
OverCurrent Protection using Winson WCS Sensor: WCS2801 with relay
Click on image to enlarge
OverCurrent Protection using Winson WCS Sensor: WCS2801 with relay
Click on image to enlarge
OverCurrent Protection using Winson WCS Sensor: WCS2801 with relay
Click on image to enlarge
OverCurrent Protection using Winson WCS Sensor: WCS2801 with relay
Click on image to enlarge
OverCurrent Protection using Winson WCS Sensor: WCS3740 with relay
Click on image to enlarge
OverCurrent Protection using Winson WCS Sensor:
Click on image to enlarge
OverCurrent Protection using Winson WCS Sensor: WCS3740 with relay
Click on image to enlarge
OverCurrent Protection using Winson WCS Sensor: WCS3740 with relay
Click on image to enlarge
OverCurrent Protection using Winson WCS Sensor: WCS1800 with relay
Click on image to enlarge
OverCurrent Protection using Winson WCS Sensor: WCS1800 with relay
Click on image to enlarge
OverCurrent Protection using Winson WCS Sensor: WCS1800 with relay
Click on image to enlarge
OverCurrent Protection using Winson WCS Sensor: WCS1800 with relay
Click on image to enlarge