Using Two more TM1637 4 digits LED Display with Arduino
Using two more TM1637 4 digits LED displays
This Arduino code makes it possible to connect two or more TM1637 4 digits seven-segment LED display. Small (blue) and large black module both have been tested and shown that they both work with the code bellow.
Fig. 1 Wiring of TWO TM1637 Displays
Resources for this sketch
- Using TM1637 4 digits 7-Segment Display for Arduino (Video and Code)
- download TM1637 Manual (pdf)
- TM1637 Library (from
- TM1637 Data sheet (pdf)
- TM1637 Library (from GetHub)
* Original code from
* Modified for Robojax video on Oct 28, 2018 at 15:05
* This is Arduino sketch to use two more TM1637 seven-segment LED displays
* Watch video instruciton for this code:
* by Ahmad Shamshiri, in Ajax, Ontario, Canada
* display2.showNumberDec(23, true, 2,1);
* showNumberDec(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
* arg1 is the numbr to be displayed
* arg2 can be 'true' or 'false' and if true it fills empty spot with data[]
* arg4 position of star showing number on the display can be either 0, 1, 2 or 3
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <TM1637Display.h>
// Module 1 connection pins (Digital Pins)
#define CLK1 5
#define DIO1 6
// Module 2 connection pins (Digital Pins)
#define CLK2 10
#define DIO2 11
// The amount of time (in milliseconds) between tests
#define TEST_DELAY 5000
TM1637Display display1(CLK1, DIO1);// define dispaly 1 object
TM1637Display display2(CLK2, DIO2);// define dispaly 1 object
uint8_t data[] = { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 }; // all segments clear
void setup()
// two or more TM1637 Display 20181029
display1.setBrightness(0x0f);// set brightness of dispaly 1
display2.setBrightness(0x0f);// set brightness of dispaly 1
display1.setSegments(data);// fill display 1 with whatever data[] array has
display2.setSegments(data);// // fill display 2 with whatever data[] array has
// two or more TM1637 Display 20181029
void loop()
// two or more TM1637 Display 20181029
display1.setSegments(data); // fill(clear) display with data[] array
display1.showNumberDec(23, false, 2,0);
display2.setSegments(data);// fill(clear) display with data[] array
display2.showNumberDec(34, false, 2,0);
delay(TEST_DELAY);// wait for TEST_DELAY miliseconds
display1.setSegments(data); // fill(clear) display with data[] array
display1.showNumberDec(23, false, 2,1);
display2.setSegments(data);// fill(clear) display with data[] array
display2.showNumberDec(34, false, 2,1);
delay(TEST_DELAY);// wait for TEST_DELAY miliseconds
display1.setSegments(data); // fill(clear) display with data[] array
display1.showNumberDec(23, false, 2,2);
display2.setSegments(data);// fill(clear) display with data[] array
display2.showNumberDec(34, false, 2,2);
delay(TEST_DELAY);// wait for TEST_DELAY miliseconds
display1.setSegments(data); // fill(clear) display with data[] array
display1.showNumberDec(23, false, 2,3);
display2.setSegments(data);// fill(clear) display with data[] array
display2.showNumberDec(34, false, 2,3);
delay(TEST_DELAY);// wait for TEST_DELAY miliseconds
display1.setSegments(data);// fill(clear) display with data[] array
display1.showNumberDec(741);// display 1
display2.setSegments(data);// fill(clear) display with data[] array
display2.showNumberDec(1562);// display 2
delay(TEST_DELAY);// wait for TEST_DELAY miliseconds
// two or more TM1637 Display 20181029
display1.setSegments(data);// fill(clear) display 1 with data[] array
display2.setSegments(data);// fill(clear) display 2 with data[] array
for(int i=0; i<=1273; i++)
display1.showNumberDec(i);// display from 0 to 1273 to diasplay 1
display2.showNumberDec(i);// display from 0 to 1273 to diasplay 2
delay(TEST_DELAY);// wait for TEST_DELAY miliseconds
// two or more TM1637 Display 20181029
}// loop end