Arduino Code and video L293D and DC Motor Controller (witout speed control)
Arduino code L293 DC motor Driver
Using L293 and L293D DC motor driver you can control two motors with controlling direction of rotation.
This code is NOT for Stepper Motor control. it is just for DC motor control.
Code to contorl speed of DC motor using L293D Is here
Code for L293D Motor shield to control 4 DC motors Is here
Resources for this sketch
- L293x Quadruple Half-H Drivers datasheet(pdf)
- L293D Motor Shield Manual
- Robojax Arduino Course on Udemy
- Get Early Access to my videos via Patreon
* This is the Arduino code L293 DC motor Driver (Advanced)
Using this code you can control a motor to rotate in both direction Clockwise(CW)
and Counter-clockwise(CCW)
* *
// Writeen by Ahmad S. for on
// on Feb 25, 2018 at 18:30 at city of Ajax, Ontario, Canada
* Permission granted to share this code given that this
* note is kept with the code.
* Disclaimer: this code is "AS IS" and for educational purpose only.
* watch L293 video for details
* Code is available at
// DC motor 1 control
#define P1A 2 // define pin 2 as for P1A
#define P2A 7 // define pin 7 as for P2A
#define EN12 8 // define pin 8 as for 1,2EN enable
// DC motor 2 control
#define P3A 10 // define pin 10 as for P3A
#define P4A 13 // define pin 13 as for P4A
#define EN34 9 // define pin 9 as for EN3 and EN4 enable
* Permission granted to share this code given that this
* note is kept with the code.
* Disclaimer: this code is "AS IS" and for educational purpose only.
void setup() {
// L293 Motor Control Code by 2018025
Serial.begin(9600);// setup Serial Monitor to display information
pinMode(P1A, OUTPUT);// define pin as OUTPUT for P1A
pinMode(P2A, OUTPUT);// define pin as OUTPUT for P2A
pinMode(EN12, OUTPUT);// define pin as OUTPUT for 1,2EN
pinMode(P3A, OUTPUT);// define pin as OUTPUT for P3A
pinMode(P4A, OUTPUT);// define pin as OUTPUT for P4A
pinMode(EN34, OUTPUT);// define pin as OUTPUT for 3,4EN
// L293 Motor Control Code by 2018025
void loop() {
// L293 Motor Control Code by 2018025
Serial.println(" Rotating CW");
digitalWrite(EN12 ,HIGH);// Enable 1A and 2A
digitalWrite(P1A,HIGH);// send + or HIGH singal to P1A
digitalWrite(P2A,LOW);// send - or LOW singal to P2A
delay(3000);// motor runs for 3 seconds
digitalWrite(EN12 ,LOW);// Disable 1A and 2A
delay(2000);// motor stop for 3 seconds
Serial.println(" Motor Stopped");
// L293 Motor Control Code by 2018025
// now changing the direction of rotation of motor
Serial.println(" Rotating CCW");
digitalWrite(EN12 ,HIGH);// Enable 1A and 2A
digitalWrite(P1A,LOW);// send + or HIGH singal to P1A
digitalWrite(P2A,HIGH);// send - or LOW singal to P2A
delay(3000);// motor runs for 3 seconds
digitalWrite(EN12 ,LOW);// Disable 1A and 2A
delay(2000);// motor stop for 3 seconds
Serial.println(" Motor Stopped");
Serial.println("=========== Loop done");
// L293 Motor Control Code by 2018025
Arduino code L293 DC motor Driver (Advanced)
Using L293 and L293D DC motor driver you can control two motors with controlling direction of rotation. In this Advanced code you a separate function is used to offer controlling the motor easily and make it ready for your application with simple code. This code is NOT for Stepper Motor control. it is just for DC motor control.
* This is the Arduino code L293 DC motor Driver (Advanced)
Using this code you can control a motor to rotate in both direction Clockwise(CW)
and Counter-clockwise(CCW)
* *
// Writeen by Ahmad S. for on
// on Freb 25, 2018 at 18:30 at city of Ajax, Ontario, Canada
* Permission granted to share this code given that this
* note is kept with the code.
* Disclaimer: this code is "AS IS" and for educational purpose only.
* watch L293 video for details
* Code is available at
// DC motor 1 control
#define P1A 2 // define pin 2 as for P1A
#define P2A 7 // define pin 7 as for P2A
#define EN12 8 // define pin 8 as for 1,2EN enable
// DC motor 2 control
#define P3A 10 // define pin 10 as for P3A
#define P4A 13 // define pin 13 as for P4A
#define EN34 9 // define pin 9 as for EN3 and EN4 enable
* Permission granted to share this code given that this
* note is kept with the code.
* Disclaimer: this code is "AS IS" and for educational purpose only.
void setup() {
// L293 Motor Contro Code by 2018025
Serial.begin(9600);// setup Serial Monitor to display information
pinMode(P1A, OUTPUT);// define pin as OUTPUT for P1A
pinMode(P2A, OUTPUT);// define pin as OUTPUT for P2A
pinMode(EN12, OUTPUT);// define pin as OUTPUT for 1,2EN
pinMode(P3A, OUTPUT);// define pin as OUTPUT for P3A
pinMode(P4A, OUTPUT);// define pin as OUTPUT for P4A
pinMode(EN34, OUTPUT);// define pin as OUTPUT for 3,4EN
// L293 Motor Contro Code by 2018025
void loop() {
if(value == 45){
rotateMA("CW",HIGH); // start motor in CW
rotateMA("CW",LOW); // stop motor
rotateMA("CCW",HIGH); // start motor in CCW
rotateMA("CW",LOW); /// stop motor
// L293 Motor Contro Code by 2018025
}// loop ends
* function: rotateMA(String di,int action)
* Sends power to motor A
* di is tring and can be "CW" or "CCW"
* to use:
* rotateMA("CW",HIGH);// to rotate motor CW
* rotateMA("CCW",HIGH);// to rotate motor CCW
* to stop the motor
* rotateMA("CW",LOW);// to stop motor
void rotateMA(String di,int endis)
// L293 Motor Contro Code by 2018025
if(di =="CW"){
Serial.println(" Rotating CW");
digitalWrite(EN12 ,endis);// Enable 1A and 2A
digitalWrite(P1A,HIGH);// send + or HIGH singal to P1A
digitalWrite(P2A,LOW);// send - or LOW singal to P2A
// L293 Motor Contro Code by 2018025
// now changing the direction of rotation of motor
Serial.println(" Rotating CCW");
digitalWrite(EN12 ,endis);// Enable 1A and 2A
digitalWrite(P1A,LOW);// send + or HIGH singal to P1A
digitalWrite(P2A,HIGH);// send - or LOW singal to P2A
// L293 Motor Contro Code by 2018025
}//rotateMA ends here