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Using 2 more HTU21DF Humidity and Temperature Sensors with Arduino

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Using 2 more HTU21DF Humidity and Temperature Sensor with Arduino

This is Arduino code to use 2 or more HTU21DF temperature and himidity sensor with Arduini. Full hardware, two types of code and demonstation is shown in the video. The code is available below this video. For other related codes please scrol lower in this screen.

Topics Covered in this tutorial

Related HTU21DF Videos

-Basic code using HTU21DF Humidity and Temperature Sensor with Arduino
-Custom code using HTU21DF Humidity and Temperature Sensor with Arduino
-LCD1602 or LCD2004 with HTU21DF Humidity and Temperature Sensor with Arduino
-Display Temperature from HTU21D as bargraph on LCD with Arduino

Resources for this sketch

  This is an example for the HTU21D-F Humidity & Temp Sensor

  Designed specifically to work with the HTU21D-F sensor from Adafruit
  ----> https://www.adafruit.com/products/1899

  These displays use I2C to communicate, 2 pins are required to

#include <Wire.h>
#include "Adafruit_HTU21DF.h"

// Connect Vin to 3-5VDC
// Connect GND to ground
// Connect SCL to I2C clock pin (A5 on UNO)
// Connect SDA to I2C data pin (A4 on UNO)

Adafruit_HTU21DF htu1 = Adafruit_HTU21DF();//create object for first HTU21DF sensor
Adafruit_HTU21DF htu2 = Adafruit_HTU21DF();//create object for second HTU21DF sensor
//Adafruit_HTU21DF htu3 = Adafruit_HTU21DF();//create object for third HTU21DF sensor (disabled, remove // from begining of code)

void setup() {
  Serial.println("HTU21D-F test for two modules");

  if (!htu.begin()) {
    Serial.println("Couldn't find sensor!");
    while (1);

void loop() {
	//get value for sensor  1
    float temp1 = htu1.readTemperature();
    float rel_hum1 = htu1.readHumidity();

	//get value for sensor  2
    float temp2 = htu2.readTemperature();
    float rel_hum2 = htu2.readHumidity();	

	//get value for sensor  3
    float temp3 = htu3.readTemperature();
    float rel_hum3 = htu3.readHumidity();	
	//print values for sensor 1
    Serial.print("Sensor 1 Temp : "); Serial.print(temp1); Serial.print(" C");
    Serial.print("		");
    Serial.print("Sensor 1 Humidity: "); Serial.print(rel_hum1); Serial.println(" \%");

	//print values for sensor 2
    Serial.print("Sensor 2 Temp : "); Serial.print(temp2); Serial.print(" C");
    Serial.print("		");
    Serial.print("Sensor 2 Humidity: "); Serial.print(rel_hum2); Serial.println(" \%");	
	//print values for sensor 3
    //Serial.print("Sensor 3 Temp : "); Serial.print(temp3); Serial.print(" C");
    //Serial.print("		");
    //Serial.print("Sensor 3 Humidity: "); Serial.print(rel_hum3); Serial.println(" \%");	

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