Control AC bulb with Arduino AC Dimmer
Control AC bulb with Arduino AC Dimmer
This this video shows how to use AC Light dimmer to control AC bulb using AC dimmer and Arduino.
I opened the sketch File->Examples->RBDdimmer->SerialMonitorDim where you can control the light from command line of Serial Monitor but due to issue
explained in the video, it doesn't work properly and code needed to be modefied. It might work in region with 50Hz which I have not tesed.
Resources for this sketch
- RobotDyn Libarary (GitHub)
- RobotDyn Libarary (from if Above link is not working)
- 4N26 Optocoupler Datasheet
- MOC3021 Optoisolators Triac Driver(pdf)
- BTA16 600B Triac datasheet (pdf)
- Get Wiring Diagram for this from Robojax Arduino Course on Udemy
- Get Early Access to my videos via Patreon
* RobotDyn AC Light Dimmer
* Control AC bulb using Arduino and AC Light dimmer module with Triac BTA16 600B
* Code modefied by Ahmad Shamshiri on Friday Oct 25, 2019, in Ajax, Ontario, Canada
* Watch video instruction for this code :
* Original code can be obtained from:
* Get this code and other Arduino codes from
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* This code has been download from
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#include <RBDdimmer.h>//
//#define USE_SERIAL SerialUSB //Serial for boards whith USB serial port
#define USE_SERIAL Serial
#define outputPin 12
#define zerocross 5 // for boards with CHANGEBLE input pins
#define potPin A0 // define the input pin for potentiometer
/// fix potentiometer issue
const int potMin = 70;// watch video (link above) for details
const int potMax = 804;// watch video (link above) for details
int potValue;// watch video (link above) for details
//dimmerLamp dimmer(outputPin, zerocross); //initialase port for dimmer for ESP8266, ESP32, Arduino due boards
dimmerLamp dimmer(outputPin); //initialase port for dimmer for MEGA, Leonardo, UNO, Arduino M0, Arduino Zero
int outVal = 0;
void setup() {
dimmer.begin(NORMAL_MODE, ON); //dimmer initialisation: name.begin(MODE, STATE)
void loop()
potValue =analogRead(potPin);// read potentiometer
// watch video (link above) for details
outVal = map(potValue, 22, 1023, 100, 0); // analogRead(analog_pin), min_analog, max_analog, 100%, 0%);
USE_SERIAL.print(" ");
dimmer.setPower(outVal); // name.setPower(0%-100%)
* correctValue()
* Corrects the value for AC dimmer module
* Written by Ahmad Shamshiri on Oct 25, 2019
* watch my Robojax YouTube video vor details
void correctValue()
if(potValue <potMin)
potValue =potMin;
if(potValue >potMax)
potValue =potMax;
}//correctValue() end