
Arduino code and video for 4 channel Relay Shield

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This is the Arduino code and video for 4 channel Relay Shield

This video shows you how to use control or connect AC or DC load using Arduino and relay.

* This is the Arduino code for 4 Relay Arduino Shield
 * to control turn ON or OFF 4 AC or DC loads
 * Watch the video
 *  * 
 * Written by Ahmad Nejrabi for Robojax Video
 * Date: Dec 28, 2017, in Ajax, Ontario, Canada
 * Permission granted to share this code given that this
 * note is kept with the code.
 * Disclaimer: this code is "AS IS" and for educational purpose only.

// Recorded Dec 27, 2017 by Robojax
#define relay1 7
#define relay2 6
#define relay3 5
#define relay4 4
void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600);// setup Serial Monitor to display information
  pinMode(relay1, OUTPUT);// connected to Relay 1
  pinMode(relay2, OUTPUT);// connected to Relay 2
  pinMode(relay3, OUTPUT);// connected to Relay 3
  pinMode(relay4, OUTPUT);// connected to Relay 4  


void loop() {

  digitalWrite(relay3,HIGH);// turn relay 3 ON
      Serial.println(" relay 3 ON");
  delay(3000);// keep in relay 3 On for 3 seconds
  digitalWrite(relay3, LOW);// turn relay 3 OFF
      Serial.println(" relay 3 OFF");
  delay(3000);// keep in relay 3 OFF for 3 seconds
