Arduino code to use Dual axis XY Joystick with Nokia 5110 LCD Screen
Arduino code Dual Axis Joystick with NOkia 5110 Screen to dipslay dot
Arduino code to use Dual axis XY Joystick with Nokia 5110 Screen to move dot on the screen- Download required file LCD_Functions.h and save it with the Arduino file
* this is Arduino code to use Dual axis XY Joystick with Nokia 5110 Screen to move dot on the screen
* also read the switch.
* Other Arduino library and videos
* Watch the video for this code to learn it fully.
* Watch the video here:
* this code is offered "as is" without any warranty.
* if you are sharing this code, you must keep this copyright note.
/* Nokia 5100 LCD Example Code with Added Joystick by Robojax
Graphics driver and PCD8544 interface code for SparkFun's
84x48 Graphic LCD.
Original Source code
This stuff could all be put into a library, but we wanted to
leave it all in one sketch to keep it as transparent as possible.
Hardware: (Note most of these pins can be swapped)
Graphic LCD Pin ---------- Arduino Pin
1-VCC ---------------- 5V
2-GND ---------------- GND
3-SCE ---------------- 7
4-RST ---------------- 6
5-D/C ---------------- 5
6-DN(MOSI) ---------------- 11
7-SCLK ---------------- 13
8-LED - 330 Ohm res -- 9
The SCLK, DN(MOSI), must remain where they are, but the other
pins can be swapped. The LED pin should remain a PWM-capable
pin. Don't forget to stick a current-limiting resistor in line
between the LCD's LED pin and Arduino pin 9!
Modified by Ahmad S. for
on Mar 11, 2018 at 20:49 at Ajax, Ontario, Canada
#include <SPI.h>
#include "LCD_Functions.h"
#define sw 2 // pint 2 is used for joystick switch input
#define screenWidth 83 // NOkia screen width
#define screenHeight 47 // Nokia screen height
int thickness =1;// the thickness of the dot
void setup()
// Robojax Dual Axis joystick with Nokia 5110 LCD screen project
lcdBegin(); // This will setup our pins, and initialize the LCD
//updateDisplay(); // with displayMap untouched, SFE logo
setContrast(40); // Good values range from 40-60
void loop()
// Robojax Dual Axis joystick with Nokia 5110 LCD screen project
int x = analogRead(A0);// read the x position of joystick
int y = analogRead(A1); // read the y position of joystick
int xPos = map(x, 0, 1023,0,screenWidth);// map or translate the x of joystick to x of screen
int yPos = map(y, 0, 1023,0,screenHeight); // map or translate the y of joystick to y of screen
int sStat = digitalRead(sw);//read the switch from pin 2
Serial.print("X: ");
Serial.print(" Y: ");
Serial.println(yPos);// Robojax prints y
// Robojax Dual Axis joystick with Nokia 5110 LCD screen project
//setCircle(xPos, yPos, thicness, BLACK, 2);
// xPos is the position of x
// yPos is the position of y
// thickness
setCircle(xPos, yPos, thickness, BLACK, 2);// display the dot on the screen