Current Sensing using Arduino Motor Shield L298N L298P
Current Sensing with Arduino Motor Shield L298
This video shows you how to use current sensing with Arduino Motor Shield.
- Introduction to Arduino Motor Sheield L298N
- Arduino Motor Shield (official web page)
- L298 Full Bridge Motor Driver Data Sheet
- Leran Arduino in 30 Minuetes (video)
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Arduino Source for L293D motor driver (loop)
This code will run run the motor and displays the current in the serial monitor
* Current Sensing with Arduino Motor Shield
* Written by Ahmad Shamshiri for on Aug 31, 2018 at 17:40 in Ajax, Ontario, Canada
* Watch video instruction for this code:
* This code needs watching introduction to Arduino Motor Shield
* which you can watch it here:
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
const int MotorPinA = 12;
const int MotorSpeedPinA = 3;
const int MotorBrakePinA = 9;
const int currentSenseA =A0;
const int MotorPinB = 13;
const int MotorSpeedPinB = 11;
const int MotorBrakePinB = 8;
const int currentSenseB =A1;
const int CW = HIGH;// variable for clockwise rotation
const int CCW = LOW;// variable for counterclockwise rotation
const int showComments = 1;// show comments in serial monitor
const double currentFactor = 2/3.3;// 3.3V per 2A which is 0.909
void setup() {
// motor A pin assignment
pinMode(MotorPinA, OUTPUT);// define motor pin as output
pinMode(MotorSpeedPinA, OUTPUT);//define motor speed control pin
pinMode(MotorBrakePinA, OUTPUT);// define motor brake pin
// motor B pin assignment
pinMode(MotorPinB, OUTPUT);
pinMode(MotorSpeedPinB, OUTPUT);
pinMode(MotorBrakePinB, OUTPUT);
Serial.begin(9600);// seial monitor initialized
void loop() {
brake('B', 0); // release brake
moveMotor('B', CW, 255);// start motor B in CW direction with 255 PWM value
Serial.print("Current at 255:");
double currentVB = map(analogRead(currentSenseB), 0, 1024, 0, 5000)/1000;
double currentB = currentVB*currentFactor;// get channel B current from voltage and current factor (from data sheet)
double currentVA = map(analogRead(currentSenseA), 0, 1024, 0, 5000)/1000;
double currentA = currentVA*currentFactor;// get channel A current from voltage and current factor (from data sheet)
if(currentB >1.25)
brake('B', 1);// apply brake
brake('B',0);// release brake
// change the rotation direction to CCW
moveMotor('B', CCW, 255);
Serial.println(currentB);// print the current
}// loop end
* Written by Ahmad Shamshiri August 29 2018 at 20:59 in Ajax, Ontario, Canada
* moveMotor controls the motor
@param motor is char A or B refering to motor A or B.
@param dir is motor direction, CW or CCW
@speed is PWM value between 0 to 255
Example 1: to start moving motor A in CW direction with 135 PWM value
moveMotor('A', CW, 135);
Example 2: to start moving motor B in CCW direction with 200 PWM value
moveMotor('B', CCW, 200);
void moveMotor(char motor, int dir, int speed)
int motorPin;
int motorSpeedPin;
if(motor =='A')
motorPin = MotorPinA;
motorSpeedPin = MotorSpeedPinA;
motorPin = MotorPinB;
motorSpeedPin = MotorSpeedPinB;
digitalWrite(motorPin, dir);// set direction for motor
analogWrite(motorSpeedPin, speed);// set speed of motor
}//moveMotor end
* brake, stops the motor, or releases the brake
* @param motor is character A or B
* @param brk if 1 brake, if 0, release brake
* example of usage:
* brake('A', 1);// applies brake to motor A
* brake('A', 0);// releases brake from motor A
void brake(char motor, int brk)
if(motor =='A')
digitalWrite(MotorBrakePinA, brk);// brake
digitalWrite(MotorBrakePinB, brk);// brake