
Control XY-1250 10-50A 60A 3000W PWM motor Speed controller using Arduino without potentiometer

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Control XY-1250 10-50A 60A 3000W PWM motor Speed controller using Arduino without potentiometer

This video explains how modify the 60A PWM module and control it with Arduino. Either with potentiometer or just Arduino code.
If you don't want to control this module using external signal, and see this module fully tested under different loads, you may have to see XY-1250 60A Module is tested and expaliend page.
see How to control 60A motor using Arduino with potentiometer.

Chapters of this video

Components used in this module

-Schottky 4 diode MBR20100CTG datasheet (pdf)
-Datasheet for NCE7190A Mosfet (8 pieces) (pdf)
-Datasheet S2H1002A4 Constant Current diode (2 pieces used) (pdf)
-2nd Datasheet S2H1002A4 Constant Current diode (2 pieces used) (pdf)

Resources for this sketch

*  file: PWM_for_XY1260_module_no_pot

 * Modify XY-1250 12-50V 60A PWM to work with Arduino
 * this code allows you to control the motor wihtout potentiometer See video for demonstration
 * how ot use:
 * to control speed at 100%
    delay(3000);//keep it running for 3 seconds

 * to control speed at 400%
    delay(3000);//keep it running for 3 seconds
 * to stop motor
    motorControl(0); //set zero
    delay(3000);//keep it running for 3 seconds
 * Written by Ahmad Shamshiri
 * on Saturday Jan 30, 2021, at 12:49
 * in Ajax, Ontario, Canada
 * Watch the video instruction:
#define pwmPin1 3
#define pwmPin2 6
bool defaultMotorON = false;// or set to "true" to make the motor start
unsigned int defaultSpeed= 20;//20% set it in % 0=stop, 100=full speed

int toPWM(int);//prototype
void setup() {
  Serial.print("Control XY-1260 wihtout pot");


void loop() {
    motorControl(100);//set speed to 100%
    delay(3000);//keep motor running at 100% for 3 seconds

    motorControl(0);//stops motor
    delay(4000);//keep motor stopped for 4 seconds

    motorControl(45);//set speed to 45%
    delay(3000);//keep motor running at 45% for 3 seconds

    motorControl(0);//stops motor
    delay(4000);//keep motor stopped for 4 seconds    

    //from 0 to 100% with 50milliscond delay (increasing speed)
      for(int i=0; i<100; i++)
        motorControl(i);//set speed with value of i from 0 to 100
        delay(50);//give motor 50 milliseconds before going to the next value   
      }//for loop end

    motorControl(0);//stops motor 
    delay(4000);//keep motor stopped for 4 seconds    

    //from 100% to 10 with 50milliscond delay (decreasing speed)
      for(int i=100; i>0; i--)
        motorControl(i);//set speed with value of i from 0 to 100
        delay(50);//give motor 50 milliseconds before going to the next value   
      }//for loop end
    motorControl(0);//stops motor 
    delay(4000);//keep motor stopped for 4 seconds   
}//loop end

 * @brief converts % value from 0 to 100% to 0-255
 * @param v is integer value representing % from 0-100
 * @return will return value from 0 to 255
int toPWM(int v){
  return map(v, 0,100,0,255);

 * @brief controls the speed of motor wiht value from 0 to 100%
 * @param speed is integer value representing % from 0-100
 * @return none
 * written Jan 30, 2021 by Ahmad Shamshiri
void motorControl(int speed)
  int pwm= map(speed, 0,100,0,255);  