code for Turn ON and OFF AC bulb with TTP223 Capacitive Touch Arduino with Relay
Turn ON and OFF AC bulb with TTP223 Capacitive Touch Arduino with Relay Code
This video shows you how to use TTP223 Capacitive Touch with relay and AC bulb or other load and the code.
* This is the Arduino code for TTP223 Capacitive Touch switch with relay to turn AC or DC load
* with first touch the Light will go ON and then with next touch the light goes OFF
// December 13, 2017
// Written for video
// Using TTP223 Touch module to turn AC (or DC) load ON or OFF.
// When the touch pad is touched the ligh on the relay will on and the COM and PO pin will be connected
* watch video for details
* Written by Ahmad Nejrabi for Roboja Video
* Date: Dec 04, 2017, in Ajax, Ontario, Canada
* Permission granted to share this code given that this
* note is kept with the code.
* Disclaimer: this code is "AS IS" and for educational purpose only.
int touchPin = 2;// connect output from TTP223 to this
int relayPin = 10;// Connected to relay
int val = 0; // touch value from pin 2
int lightON = 0;//light status
int touched = 0;//touch status
void setup() {
pinMode(touchPin, INPUT);
pinMode(relayPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
val = digitalRead(touchPin);
if(val == HIGH && lightON == LOW){
touched = 1-touched;
lightON = val;
if(touched == HIGH){
Serial.println("Light ON");
digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW);
Serial.println("Light OFF");
digitalWrite(relayPin, HIGH);
Turn ON and OFF AC bulb with TTP223 Capacitive Touch Arduino with 2 Relay Code (2 touch module)
This video shows you how to use 2 TTP223 Capacitive Touch module with 2 relay and AC bulb or other load and the code.
* This is the Arduino code for 2 TTP223 Capacitive Touch module switch with relay to turn 2 AC or DC loads
* with first touch the Light will go ON and then with next touch the light goes OFF
// December 13, 2017, Updated for 2 channel on Mar 15, 2018 by the request Marcio A. on YouTube Channel
// Written for video
// Using TTP223 Touch module to turn AC (or DC) load ON or OFF.
// When the touch pad 1 is touched the light 1 turn the relay will ON and the COM and PO pin will be connected
// When the touch pad 2 is touched the light 3 turn the relay will ON and the COM and PO pin will be connected
* watch video for details
* Written by Ahmad S. for Roboja Video
* Permission granted to share this code given that this
* note is kept with the code.
* Disclaimer: this code is "AS IS" and for educational purpose only.
// channel 1 settings
int touchPin = 2;// connect output from TTP223 (module 1) to this
int relayPin = 10;// Connected to relay
int val = 0; // touch value from pin 2
int lightON = 0;//light status
int touched = 0;//touch status
// channel 2 settings
int touchPin2 = 3;// connect output from TTP223 (module 1) to this
int relayPin2 = 11;// Connected to relay
int val2 = 0; // touch value from pin 2
int lightON2 = 0;//light status
int touched2 = 0;//touch status
void setup() {
pinMode(touchPin, INPUT); //input from module 1
pinMode(relayPin, OUTPUT);// output to relay 1
pinMode(touchPin2, INPUT); //input from module 2
pinMode(relayPin2, OUTPUT);// output to relay 2
void loop() {
/* **************** start of code for channel 1 ********* */
val = digitalRead(touchPin);// read channel 1 touch
if(val == HIGH && lightON == LOW){
touched = 1-touched;
lightON = val;
if(touched == HIGH){
Serial.println("Light ON");
digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW); // set relay 1 to turn ON
Serial.println("Light OFF");
digitalWrite(relayPin, HIGH);// set relay 2 to turn OFF
/* **************** END of code for channel 1 ********* */
// the two channels are independent. You can remove one and it will not affect the other from this inside loop()
/* **************** start of code for channel 2 ********* */
val2 = digitalRead(touchPin2);// read channel 2 touch
if(val2 == HIGH && lightON2 == LOW){
touched2 = 1-touched2;
lightON2 = val2;
if(touched == HIGH){
Serial.println("Light 2 ON");
digitalWrite(relayPin2, LOW); // set relay 2 to turn ON
Serial.println("Light 2 OFF");
digitalWrite(relayPin2, HIGH);// set relay 2 to turn OFF
/* **************** END of code for channel 2 ********* */