Control Servo motor using any Infrared Remote with Arduino
Control Servo motor using any Infrared Remote with Arduino
This video shows you how to control Servo motor using any Infrared Remote Controller such as your TV remote. You need to install the library from the provided link. Also you will learn how to decode any remote controller using Arduino.
In the code you have to select type of your remote. If your remote is black, select 'B' and if your remote is white select 'W' in the code. Also you have select the type of receiver you are using. If you are using PCB version of receiver, then set PCB = 1 and set it =0 if using NON-PCB module.
Watch This video if you have any question about the code
- Arduino Library (from
- Download Library for Arduino (getHub)
- Datasheet for VS1838 Receiver
Source for controlling Servo motor with IR Remote controller using Arduino
* Original library from -
* This Arduino code to control servo motor with IR Remote controller or any TV remote
* You have to select the type of your remote as Black or White in the code bellow
* and also select your receiver 1838 either as PCB or bare module. See video for details
* You have to watch this video :
* before proceeding with this code.
* Modefied/Written by Ahmad Shamshiri
* on August 02, 2018 at 20:35 in Ajax, Ontario, Canada
* for
* Watch video instruction for this code:
* Get other Arduino codes from
#include <IRremote.h>
int RECV_PIN = 11;
const char type ='B';// W for white, B for black. Must keep single quotes like 'B' or 'W'
const boolean PCB = 0;// if receiver is PCB set to 1, if not set to 0. See video for details
boolean displayCode = true;// to display remote code. if not, set to false
//***** Servo settings begins
#include <Servo.h>
Servo RJservo; // create servo object to control a servo
const int SERVO_PIN = 8; // analog pin used to connect the potentiometer
int angle =90; // initial angle for servo
int angleStep =10;
const int ANGLE_CENTRE =90;// the centre/reset angle of your servo
//**** Servo settings settings ends
// remote settings
const String RIGHT=">";// move servo to the right with this key on remote
const String LEFT ="<";// move servo to the left with this key on remote
const String CENTRE ="OK";// move servo to centre with this key on remote
// remote settings end
IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);
// this is array holding codes for White Remote when used with PCB version of receiver
unsigned int whiteRemotePCB[] ={
0xE318261B, // CH-
0x511DBB, // CH
0xEE886D7F, // CH+
0x52A3D41F, // |<<
0xD7E84B1B, // >>|
0x20FE4DBB, // >||
0xF076C13B, // -
0xA3C8EDDB, // +
0x12CEA6E6, // EQ
0xC101E57B, // 0
0x97483BFB, // 100+
0xF0C41643, // 200+
0x9716BE3F, // 1
0x3D9AE3F7, // 2
0x6182021B, // 3
0x8C22657B, // 4
0x488F3CBB, // 5
0x449E79F, // 6
0x32C6FDF7, // 7
0x1BC0157B, // 8
0x3EC3FC1B // 9
// this is array holding codes for White Remote when used with non-PCB version of receiver
unsigned int whiteRemote[] ={
0xFFA25D, // CH-
0xFF629D, // CH
0xFFE21D, // CH+
0xFF22DD, // |<<
0xFF02FD, // >>|
0xFFC23D, // >||
0xFFE01F, // -
0xFFA857, // +
0xFF906F, // EQ
0xFF6897, // 0
0xFF9867, // 100+
0xFFB04F, // 200+
0xFF30CF, // 1
0xFF18E7, // 2
0xFF7A85, // 3
0xFF10EF, // 4
0xFF38C7, // 5
0xFF5AA5, // 6
0xFF42BD, // 7
0xFF4AB5, // 8
0xFF52AD // 9
// key lables of white remote
String whiteRemoteKey[] ={
// this is array holding codes for Black Remote when used with non-PCB version of receiver
unsigned int blackRemote[] ={
0xFF629D, // ^
0xFF22DD, // <
0xFF02FD, // OK
0xFFC23D, // >
0xFFA857, // v
0xFF6897, // 1
0xFF9867, // 2
0xF0C41643, // 3
0xFF30CF, // 4
0xFF18E7, // 5
0xFF7A85, // 6
0xFF10EF, // 7
0xFF38C7, // 8
0xFF5AA5, // 9
0xFF42BD, // *
0xFF4AB5, // 0
0xFF52AD // #
// this is array holding codes for Black Remote when used with PCB version of receiver
unsigned int blackRemotePCB[] ={
0x511DBB, // ^
0x52A3D41F, // <
0xD7E84B1B, // OK
0x20FE4DBB, // >
0xA3C8EDDB, // v
0xC101E57B, // 1
0x97483BFB, // 2
0xF0C41643, // 3
0x9716BE3F, // 4
0x3D9AE3F7, // 5
0x6182021B, // 6
0x8C22657B, // 7
0x488F3CBB, // 8
0x449E79F, // 9
0x32C6FDF7, // *
0x1BC0157B, // 0
0x3EC3FC1B // #
// Black remote key names
String blackRemoteKey[] ={
decode_results results;
void setup()
// In case the interrupt driver crashes on setup, give a clue
// to the user what's going on.
Serial.println("Robojax IR Decode");
Serial.println("Servo Control with Remote");
irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start the receiver
RJservo.attach(SERVO_PIN); // attaches the servo on pin servoPin to the servo object
void loop() {
if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {
if(displayCode)Serial.println(results.value, HEX);
robojaxValidateCode(results.value);// used the "robojaxValidateCode" bellow
irrecv.resume(); // Receive the next value
delay(50);// 50 melisecond delay
* function: robojaxValidateCode
* validates the remote code and prints correct key name
* cd is code poassed from the loop
* Written by A. S. for Robojax
void robojaxValidateCode(int cd)
// Robojax IR Remote decoder
int found=0;
if(type =='W' && !PCB)
// Robojax IR White Remote decoder
// if tyepe is set to 'W' (white remote) and PCB=0 then check Black remote code
for(int i=0; i< sizeof(whiteRemote)/sizeof(int); i++)
if(whiteRemote[i] ==cd)
Serial.print("Key pressed:");
servoAction(whiteRemoteKey[i]);// take action
}// if matched
}// for
}else if(type =='W' && PCB){
// Robojax IR White Remote decoder
// if tyepe is set to 'W' (white remote) and PCB=1 then check Black remote code
for(int i=0; i< sizeof(whiteRemotePCB)/sizeof(int); i++)
if(whiteRemotePCB[i] ==cd)
Serial.print("Key pressed:");
servoAction(whiteRemoteKey[i]);// take action
}// if matched
}// for
}else if(type =='B' && PCB){
// Robojax IR White Remote decoder
// if tyepe is set to 'B' (black remote) and PCB=1 then check Black remote code
for(int i=0; i< sizeof(blackRemotePCB)/sizeof(int); i++)
// Robojax IR black Remote decoder
if(blackRemotePCB[i] ==cd)
Serial.print("Key pressed:");
servoAction(blackRemoteKey[i]);// take action
}// if matched
}// for
// if tyepe is set to 'B' (black remote) and PCB =0 then check Black remote code
for(int i=0; i< sizeof(blackRemote)/sizeof(int); i++)
// Robojax IR black Remote decoder
if(blackRemote[i] ==cd)
Serial.print("Key pressed:");
servoAction(blackRemoteKey[i]);// take action
}// if matched
}// for
}// else
if(cd !=0xFFFFFFFF)
Serial.println("Key unkown");
}// found
}// robojaxValidateCode end
* servoAction()
* receives string "value" as input and based on the settings,
* sends translates it to servo value and controls servo
* either
* rotates servo to right
* rotates servo to left
* moves the servo to middle
void servoAction(String value)
// Servo button demo with IR remote by
while(value == RIGHT){
if (angle > 0 && angle <= 180) {
angle = angle - angleStep;
if(angle < 0){
angle = 0;
RJservo.write(angle); // move the servo to desired angle
Serial.print("Moved to: ");
Serial.print(angle); // print the angle
Serial.println(" degree");
}// if
value =".";
}// while for RIGHT
while(value == LEFT){
// Servo button demo with IR remote by
if (angle >= 0 && angle <= 180) {
angle = angle + angleStep;
if(angle >180){
angle =180;
RJservo.write(angle); // move the servo to desired angle
Serial.print("Moved to: ");
Serial.print(angle); // print the angle
Serial.println(" degree");
value =".";
}// while for LEFT
if(value == CENTRE)
RJservo.write(angle); // move the servo to centre at 90 degree angle
// Robojax IR Servo control
}//relayAction end