
Arduino Code and video for E18-D80NK Infrared Obstacle Avoidance Sensor

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Arduino code for E18-D80NK Infrared Obstacle Avoidance Sensor

This is the Arduino code for E18-D80NK Infrared Obstacle Avoidance Sensor This code is to use E18-D80NK Infrared Sensor to detect obstacle and trigger an event like starting or stopping motor or servo or relay or anything else.

Purchase E18-D80NK hall sensor

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Chapters of this video

E18-D80NK Infrared Sensor: Connected to Arduino and buzzer

E18-D80NK Infrared Sensor: Connected to Arduino and buzzer
Click on image to enlarge

E18-D80NK Infrared Sensor: Sensor

E18-D80NK Infrared Sensor: Sensor
Click on image to enlarge

E18-D80NK Infrared Sensor: TX RX leses

E18-D80NK Infrared Sensor:  TX RX leses
Click on image to enlarge

E18-D80NK Infrared Sensor: Sensitivity screw

E18-D80NK Infrared Sensor: Sensitivity screw
Click on image to enlarge

E18-D80NK Infrared Sensor: Wiring color

E18-D80NK Infrared Sensor: Wiring color
Click on image to enlarge

E18-D80NK Infrared Sensor: Wiring with resistor

E18-D80NK Infrared Sensor: Wiring with resistor
Click on image to enlarge

E18-D80NK Infrared Sensor: Setting Sensitivity

E18-D80NK Infrared Sensor: Setting Sensitivity
Click on image to enlarge

E18-D80NK Infrared Sensor: Demonstration using Arduino

E18-D80NK Infrared Sensor:Demonstration using Arduino
Click on image to enlarge


 * This is the Arduino code for LE18-D80NK Infrared Obstacle Avoidance Sensor
This code is to use E18-D80NK Infrared Sensor to detect obstacle and trigger an
event like starting or stopping motor or servo or relay or anything else.

 *  * 
 // Writeen by Ahmad S. for on 
// on Feb 22, 2018 at 20:50 om  city of Ajax, Ontario, Canada
 * Permission granted to share this code given that this
 * note is kept with the code.
 * Disclaimer: this code is "AS IS" and for educational purpose only.
 * watch LE18-D80NK  video for details
 * Code is available at
the Wiring:
Brown: 5V DC
Blue:  GNG
Black: Signal, to PIN 2


#define SENSOR 2 // define pint 2 for sensor
#define ACTION 9 // define pin 9 as for ACTION

 * Permission granted to share this code given that this
 * note is kept with the code.
 * Disclaimer: this code is "AS IS" and for educational purpose only.

void setup() {
  // E18-D80NK Obstacle Sensor Code by 2018022
  Serial.begin(9600);// setup Serial Monitor to display information
  pinMode(SENSOR, INPUT_PULLUP);// define pin as Input  sensor
  pinMode(ACTION, OUTPUT);// define pin as OUTPUT for ACTION

void loop() {
  // E18-D80NK Obstacle Sensor Code by 2018022
  int L =digitalRead(SENSOR);// read the sensor 
      if(L == 0){
    Serial.println(" Obstacle detected");
    digitalWrite(ACTION,HIGH);// send singal

     Serial.println("  === All clear");
     digitalWrite(ACTION,LOW);// turn the relay OFF
 // E18-D80NK Obstacle Sensor Code by 2018022