
Lesson 62: Time control without delay, LED blink with millis()

Lesson 62: Time control without delay, LED blink with millis()

Please select other codes for this lecture from the links below.

Part 6: Arduino Practial Programming

This code is for to use millis function to achieve different ON and OFF time in creating LED blink.

This is example 3. Please watch the video for full details.

Millis reference page

 * Lesson 62: Time control without delay, LED blink with millis() | Arduino Step By Step Course
 * LED Blink with millis() with different time interval of ON and OFF time
 * Written by Ahmad Shamshiri for and Robojax YouTube channel
 * written on Aug 05, 2019 in Ajax, Ontario, Canada at 12:41
 * Watch video instruction:
 This video is part of Arduino Step by Step Course which starts here:

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 * This code has been download from
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    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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const int LEDpin = 3;
const long onDuration = 100;// OFF time for LED
const long offDuration = 500;// ON time for LED
int LEDState =HIGH;// initial state of LED

long rememberTime=0;// this is used by the code

void setup() {
  pinMode(LEDpin,OUTPUT);// define LEDpin as output
  digitalWrite(LEDpin,LEDState);// set initial state

void loop() {
  // Robojax LED blink with millis()

 if( LEDState ==HIGH )
    if( (millis()- rememberTime) >= onDuration){   
    LEDState = LOW;// change the state of LED
    rememberTime=millis();// remember Current millis() time
    if( (millis()- rememberTime) >= offDuration){     
    LEDState =HIGH;// change the state of LED
    rememberTime=millis();// remember Current millis() time

 // Robojax LED blink with millis()
 digitalWrite(LEDpin,LEDState);// turn the LED ON or OFF

}// loop ends