
Lesson 108: Control DC motor using FR120N AOD4184 D4184 LR7843 HW-532 MOSFET module (3 projects)

Lesson 108: Control DC motor using FR120N AOD4184 D4184 LR7843 HW-532 MOSFET module (3 projects)

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Part 5: DC Motors

Using this code we can control speed of motor using Arduino by using the module with FR120N , LR7843 and D4184 MOSFET to turn ON/OFF DC load up to up to 10A. HW-532 optically isolated from 5V to 30V load up to 10A depending on the module. Schematic shown, wiring diagram explained, different method of wiring with push button and potentiometer also shown.

<>Using this moduel we can't control direction of rotation of the motor.


In Project 2 We Control speed of the motor using Arduino code.

Timing of chapters in the video

00:00 Introduction
03:32 Schematic Explained
05:16 Components under magnifier
06:48 Datasheet for Mosfet viewed
08:00 Efficiency: which one to use
11:14 Project 1: Basic ON/OFF with or without Arduino
13:56 Project 1: Wiring
15:05 Project 1: Code
15:36 Project 2: Speed Control using Arduino
19:31 Project 3: Motor Speed with Potentiometer and stop push button
19:43 Project 3: Wiring
22:08 Project 3: Code

 * Lesson 108-2: In this lesson we learn how to use  the module with FR120N , LR7843 and D4184 MOSFET to turn ON/OFF DC load up to up to 10A. HW-532 optically isolated from 5V to 30V load up to 10A depending on the module. Schematic shown, wiring diagram explained, different 
 method of wiring with push button and potentiometer also shown. 
 Written by Ahmad Shamshiri for
 // Published on Aug 25, 2022 in Aajx, ON, Canada.
   Project 1: Turning ON/OFF a motor or load 
   Project 2: Controllign Speed using Arduino code (this project)
   Project 3: Controllign Speed using potentiometer and a push button
   * Watch Video instrution for this code:
   * This code is part of Arduino Step by Step Course which starts here:
   * for library of this code visit
  If you found this tutorial helpful, please support me so I can continue creating 
  content like this. Make a donation using PayPal by credit card 
   *  * This code is "AS IS" without warranty or liability. Free to be used as long as you keep this note intact.* 
   * This code has been download from
      This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
      it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
      the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
      (at your option) any later version.
      This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      GNU General Public License for more details.
      You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
      along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 const int MOTOR_OUT_PIN = 3;
 const int SPEED_MAX = 100;// in %
 const int SPEED_MIN = 0;//in %
 const int STOP=0;
 const int RUN=1;
 int motorState=RUN;//
 int motorSpeed = 0;//between 0 to 100%.
 //video instruction
 void setup() {
     //Robojax XY-GMOS MOSFET Motor driver code
   Serial.println("Robojax XY-GMOS Motor,  Arduino");
 }//setup ends
 // the loop routine runs over and over again forever:
 void loop() {
   motorControl(50);//run motor at 50%
   delay(5000);//keep it running for 5000ms or 5 seconds
    stopMotor();//stopd motor
   delay(3000);//keep it stopped for 5000ms or 5 seconds
   for(int i=0; i<100; i++)
   stopMotor();//stopd motor
   delay(3000);//keep it stopped for 5000ms or 5 seconds
    for(int i=100; i >0; i--)
     //Robojax LR7843 MOSFET Motor driver code
 }//loop end
  * motorControl(int s)
  * @brief controls the motor with the value s
  * @param return nothing
  * @param "type" is character
  * on May 08, 2020 at 02:36 in Ajax, Ontario, Canada
 void motorControl(int s)
     //Robojax LR7843 MOSFET Motor driver code
   int k = map(s, SPEED_MIN, SPEED_MAX, 0, 255);
   Serial.print("Speed: "); Serial.print(s);Serial.println("%");
   analogWrite(MOTOR_OUT_PIN, k);
  * stopMotor()
  * @brief stops the motor
  * @param return nothing
  * @param 
  * on May 08, 2020 at 02:36 in Ajax, Ontario, Canada
 void stopMotor(){
     //Robojax XY-GMOS MOSFET Motor driver code
   analogWrite( MOTOR_OUT_PIN, 0);