Lesson 24: 74HC595 Two Digit Display | Arduino Step by Step Course
Related or required files and link to this lesson
Part 2: LCD, LED and OLED Screens
In this lecture we learn how to use SD1306 OLED Display to display text and shapes on the screen.
* updated by Ahmad Shamshiri for Robojax
Lesson 24: 2 digits dispaly using 74HC595 chip
* On Monday Sep 17, 2019 at 00:03 in Ajax, Ontario, Canada
* Watch video instruction for this video: https://youtu.be/pJPdH7mOUzk
* At the moments, it doesn't display dicimal points. It needs a little work to make it work
* This code is part of Arduino Step by Step Course which starts here: https://youtu.be/-6qSrDUA5a8
* for library of this code visit http://robojax.com/
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* This code has been download from Robojax.com
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* Original source and text.
* 2 Digitl 7 segment display PCB board with (2) 74HC595 shift register ICs
* Arduino Tutorial - www.Ardumotive.com
* Dev: Michalis Vasilakis // Date: 31/1/2018 // Ver:1.0
#include <ShiftRegister74HC595.h>
#define SDI 7
#define SCLK 6
#define LOAD 5
#define DIGITS 2
// create shift register object (number of shift registers, data pin, clock pin, latch pin)
ShiftRegister74HC595 sr (DIGITS, SDI, SCLK, LOAD);
int value,digit1,digit2,digit3,digit4;
uint8_t digits[] = {B11000000, //0
B11111001, //1
B10100100, //2
B10110000, //3
B10011001, //4
B10010010, //5
B10000010, //6
B11111000, //7
B10000000, //8
B10010000 //9
void setup() {
void loop() {
for(int i=0; i<=99; i++)
for(int i=99; i >=0; i--)
}// loop
* @brief shows number on the Seven Segment Display
* @param "num" is integer
* @return returns none
* Usage to show 18: showNumber(18);
* Written by Ahmad Shamshiri on Sep 17, 2019.
* in Ajax, Ontario, Canada
* www.Robojax.com
void showNumber(int num)
digit2=num % 10 ;
digit1=(num / 10) % 10 ;
//Send them to 7 segment displays
uint8_t numberToPrint[]= {digits[digit2],digits[digit1]};